So you wanna know a bit about who I am, eh? Well then, I'll do my best (and try not to bore you with too many details...LOL) as well as give you all something to read since I don't usually like talking 'bout myself.

I am in my mid-30's and have been married to my special man for 13 yrs (gosh, already!). Together we have 2 amazing and fun kids who constantly keep me on my toes. Please visit their pages as we had fun building them together.

I was born in Florida (USA) but moved to Canada, my mom's homeland, around 25 yrs ago. My father is a Frenchmen who grew up in Africa. I have 4 other siblings and am the 2nd eldest. I speak both English and French fluently. I am a WAHM now as I work with children for a living and was a SAHM when my own children were young.

My hobbies include camping, general crafting, but mostly I love dreaming up some new kid crafts and cross stitching, I enjoy working on building my web pages and am always changing things around. Also, I love surfing adoption sites and leaving with some of the cutest graphic adoptions which you can find throughout my site.

Well I trust that is enough info for now, if I think of anything else, I'll be sure to add it later. Thanks for taking the time to read about me.


All dolls by Lady Paje
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