Chemistry 100
Chemistry 100
Syllabus Fall 2005

MO 381-7 and West-HI B1 Vidcon mo/we 10:00am � 11:15am

Dr. Bernhard Laurich
[email protected] 
phone 974-7452 (during office hours only, no messages)
974-7422 (for messages)
office hours: PB1-9 mo/we  9:00am � 9:50am
thu  10:30am � 12noon
and tba.

Student Learning Outcomes:
1. Develop a profound enjoyment of learning about the functioning of the material world.
2. Think creatively and critically about complex concepts and issues of our environment and our self.
3. Apply knowledge of chemistry to future endeavors in education and work.
4. Communicate with others about the material world.
5. Participate in cultural, economic and political processes in the community.

Basic knowledge of atoms, electrical charge, electron structure, chemical bonds and the classification of elements, compounds and chemical reactions. Understanding how compounds are formed and how chemical reactions happen. Ability to describe chemical compounds and chemical reactions and to perform simple quantitative calculations.

homework 15%
1st assignment   2%
2nd assignment   5%
final assignment 13%
take-home quizzes   5%
pop-quizzes 15%
final exam, cumulative 45%

A 90%, B 80%, C 70%, D 60%

Required material:
Chemistry for Changing Times
John W. Hill and Doris. K. Kolb,   Prentice Hall,

Folder for notes, homework, quizzes, and assignments.
Calculator (optional)

--- Chemistry 100 is a College level course. Successful completion requires regular attendance, including taking notes.
--- For every hour in class, approximately two hours study at home will be required.
--- Come to the office hours when, or better before, you run into problems.
--- Quizzes will not be announced. Be there. No make-up quizzes. Exceptions only if absence is justified, and notification has been sent.
--- The grades are based on performance. Note that the final exam is cumulative, and not multiple choice, and yields 45% of the grade.


Part 1: Foundation of Chemistry
Introduction  (2) ((2) class hours)
Atoms and Electrons  (4)
Periodic table  (2)
Chemical Bonding  (5)

(chapters 1,2,3,5) (4  1/2 weeks)
Assignment 1

Part 2: Chemical Reactions
Formulas and Equations  (3)
Stoichiometry  (4)
Acids and Bases  (3)
Oxidation and Reduction  (3)

(chapters 6,7,8) (4 1/2 weeks)
Assignment 2

Part 3: Organic Chemistry
Hydrocarbons  (5)
Biochemistry  (3)
(chapters 9,10,15) (3 weeks)

Part 4: Applications of Chemistry
(choice of topics following interest)  (3)
Nuclear Chemistry
Chemistry of the Earth
(choice of chapt. 4,11,14,16,17,19,20) (1 week)

Final Assignment (1 week)
Review (2) (1 week)

Final  Exam MO 381-7, West-HI B1 mo 12/12/2005  9:40am � 11:40am
Chemistry lab
Name: Bernhard Laurich
Email: [email protected]
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