
Gamers Paradise News

03/03/2003 03:51 PM


Latest beta's

More beta's

A tale in the desert

A Tractor

Ace Of Angels



Ascendant Realms




Dragon Empires


3/3/03 I apologize for not having updated more often but I have been busy and I did not get the confirmation mail from Amazon merchants until 2/3/03. I am working on getting the html for an Amazon banner. I may post a few games for sale here and put the banner on an affiliates page. I admit it I am a procrastinator. Websites take more work then most people are willing to put into it. I am willing to work on my site but not willing to give up my life for it. Most of what you see is worked on and stored on my pc until I get the chance to upload to the server. Hopefully I will get a bit more done this coming week. I want to reorganize this set of pages a bit and I hope to be able to get my portfolio up. I have had a few requests from some acquaintances that they would like to see my work.

 1/27/03 I apologize for not having uploaded any updates over the weekend but  hubby is home during this time in which I don't get much of anything other then house work done. I was even unable to do much on my fav site aside from this one, neopets. I also had a purchase link for Amazon I had to sign up to actually be able to have the affiliate link. Hopefully I will have this update uploaded before the end of the day, having received my approval email for Amazon affiliates *(I just checked my email and it appears this may not be updated for at least three days due to application review). I am also still looking for more betas. Well enough on this page for today.

1/25/03 I have been doing a little playing and a little working on this site. I have moved some stuff to the home page. I came across a newly released game (released 1/7/03) Impossible Creatures. I played the demo and loved it. I recommend you get the full version, you may find you like it as much as I did. I also listed another site for new and upcoming games on the left side bar. I will be looking for more sites that post new and up coming games (betas). I can't forget the recent beta I am involved in, Dransik. This will be released for p2p sometime early next month. I will be sad when it does because it means I will have to find another beta to bite into.

1/22/03 I did some searching last night after I posted and found the link to my Dragon Empires news page was on the archived news from last year so I am adding my personal page lings to the right side bar with all my help sites links. I am also trying to get the rest of this site finished so if I skip a few posts here I will have some links to another news posting page you may want to visit to see what I am up to. By the way I am still looking to add a message board to this site. I have signed up temporarily with a couple pub14.bravenet and pub7.ezboard until I can find a way to have the message board added into this site.

1/21/03 9/17/02 was the last time I posted and I apologize for the length of time between posts but I do what I can when I can. I got a bit of good news concerning the Dragon Empires beta that I will be posting on the Dragon Empires news page. It has been almost a year now that I have been on the waiting list and am very anxious for the beta to finally be released. I am currently working on the site to try and get finished so please bare with me. I have moved the old posts here to make room for more up to date posts. (Note to self, I am having this page listed in Member Pages Directory > Games > Computer and Video Games > Internet Games. My individual game news pages will be listed in a similar fashion when time allows.)


Official PayPal Seal  


Message to Webmaster:

7/24/02 This is where I will  link to sights I have had help from such as  grsites  

bigbeautifulbackgrounds is another backgrounds site with excellent stuff.



1/22/03 Here are those page links I mentioned



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