Update on Esther + Laurie's plans of going to PNG
Esther is the eldest daughter of Ron and Margaret Teale. She has had a burden for PNG since her younger days, but put it on hold for many years. Not long ago, God started taking it off the shelf again. Recently, she ran into a woman who had been praying for the missionary kids to start returning to PNG!
It has been some time since I updated this website or sent out News letters as so much has happened  that has been frustrating & yet we have this peace that God is in control, & God is so Good to us. We are still in Brisbane. God's time and His ways are the Best.   Please pray for us that God's best door will open for us to go up to PNG  & for some adequate support or / & job in PNG that will bring in adequate support to go to PNG to do the things that we feel that the Lord has laid on our  hearts to do there. Also please pray for the local people in the local area around our Mission Station to be able to somehow understand and be patient with  us about our delay in arriving up there as they do not understand the kind of bureaucratic red tape that we have to go through to get into PNG. They are the ones that concern me the most.

We have had another Job door shut in our faces recently, but times are difficult in PNG especially since September 11th 2001. Financially many businesses in PNG are closing down, or not doing well now  for a number of reasons. There was a marked decline especially after September 11, 2001. We know that the Lord has called us to work in PNG for Him and the Community in the area where our Mission Station is, and we know that He will make a way for us sometime. In this day of instant everything some folks forget that some of the things that are worth while pursuing are also worth having patience, tenacity and persistence for. There are many things yet to fall into place but God does things in the RIGHT time, not too late / not too soon, but just in time. We need about $ 15,000 to $22,000 to help us get established in PNG even with a job to go to, & other guaranteed, ongoing support. We are believing God to supply our need in His time.

When we arrive up there we will have to buy a second hand four- wheel drive vehicle, (double cab Ute), or similar vehicle for travelling to and from the Station. We also have to get things like a new fridge and other furniture when we arrive in Goroka to set up house there. Travelling from Goroka to Pitanka Station we'll have to travel for about 5 hours journey for regular visits there to start repairs on the Pitanka Station house we are to live in later, and also at the same time, start some farm projects to generate  money to support the work. All this needs money to get started though.
Esther ministering to people suffering from Kuru - a fatal disease of the brain - and to their families in the mid 1960s
The two girls with their grandpa, Ron Teale
One of the missionaries up in Goroka is going to try to register as a business and start a Work shop where he hopes my husband, Laurie can go to work with him, and where the two of them can train locals in a Motor Mechanics vocational course. Laurie could learn from the Missionary about the PNG Educational System for teaching in a Vocational School  in this workshop in Goroka whilst we are living for a period of time there. From Goroka we can make short trips out to our Mission Station and start to establish some Income-generating  projects on the visits over a period of time,  to pay workers there before we are able to go out and stay permanently on Pitanka Mission Station. Some machinery and tools will also definitely be needed for the Building and farming and Vocational School.

At the moment, Laurie plans to stay in his present job here, until after next September by which time  he will be due for long service leave and would get two thirds more of a pay-out  when he leaves after next September than he would if he left to go to PNG now. So he will just keep working where he is until the Lord provides a means of Support for us to go & work in PNG and we will trust HIM for the extra money needed to get established there as soon as possible, when ever that may be. If we have sufficient funds donated to us earlier than next September, & either Support guaranteed or a job in Goroka, that would make the way clear for us to go before next September & we would trust that it was the right time to go to PNG . Otherwise we may have to go next October trusting the Lord  that  enough  money will still come as we approach the projects step by step. The latter could take longer, of course.

We also have been waiting on some promised funds from the United Nations Building Funds to come through for our Builder to facilitate the urgently  needed Building  projects on Pitanka Mission Station . September 11th last year delayed these plans too when the Provider, United Nations delayed supplying the funds for these Projects, a direct result of September 11. They   now  tell us that we cannot get that money as the PNG Government wants to tax any equipment or materials that come into the country & have theur cut of the money also PNG is in great trouble financially & so now Africa gets the money from the United Nations instead of PNG for the next year. I do not know whether they would consider us the year after that either for project money.
It is a testing time but we know that our God is Faithful who has called us to go. The Lord will touch peoples' hearts somewhere and He will provide somehow.
We still believe that we are meant to go to Pitanka in the Okapa sub-district, and  upgrade our medical Aid post , start a Vocational School and a Bible School there. The whole area for miles around needs these facilities. We need people to come and help us too, who feel they have have a calling and vision  from God as these are the ones who would stick it out when times are tough up there.  Also they would need some  basic Bible School Training & Multicultural  training &  of course, their own  support backing from a church,  to teach skills such as Mechanics, Carpentry, Building,Plumbing, Welding, agriculture and Sewing,  in the Pitanka Mission Vocational school.  We have to also continue to support the existing  Community Primary School, which my late mother started back in the sixties. If anyone feels that you would like to come up there & teach, or help financially, or find out more about us or our proposed projects for this area in PNG, please feel free to contact us:- lauresther at yahoo.com.au    
Even if you cannot help us financially with funding, or teaching vocational skills up in PNG, you could just pray for us keeping in touch with the prayer needs.

Please pray us for good health, guidance, patience,  provision , and wisdom for us at this time, and that we will be enabled to finish the necessary maintenance  needed on our house here before we go to PNG, and have to rent it out.. Also we have 10- 16 boxes of personal, household, and Mission items to transport up when we go to PNG. We estimate it will cost about $1300  to  transport these items up there.                                                                                                                                                                        May God Bless and be with you till  our  next update, and may each of you know the joy and peace of The King  of Kings and Prince of Peace, whose birth we celebrate at Christmas. Thankyou for taking the time to read our website, and may you have a wonderful, safe and blessed Christmas.
    From Laurie, Esther, Michelle, Amie & Ron Teale ( Esther's father, & the girl's grandfather).
Looking down at the mission station in Pitanka
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