Position Description

For 3/4-time, Ordained Minister

St.Andrew's United Church, Chalk River, Ontario

(Renfrew Presbytery, Bay of Quinte Conference)


This is a general framework that describes the role, responsibilities and duties of the Minister within the Pastoral Charge. In this context, "Minister" refers to a member of the Order of Clergy ordained by the United Church of Canada and placed in this charge by Presbytery. Within this pastoral charge, ministry is a shared activity, undertaken by Elders and member of the church family with the Minister exercising spiritual and general leadership.

Mission Statement

As Ambassadors for Christ, our Mission is to worship God, nurture the faith, and be a Christian presence in the community by reaching out in awareness, fellowship and love in action.

Position title

3/4-time Ordained Minister


The primary roles of the Minister, in accordance with the Holy Scriptures and in continuity with the Articles of Faith and in Union of the United Church of Canada are to:

� plan and conduct regular and special worship services and administer the Sacraments;

� facilitate and encourage spiritual growth in individuals and in our congregation;

� help the church family grow in faith and service;

� develop and support lay leadership; and

� serve and work with the congregation towards the attainment of our goals.

General Responsibilities

The Minister has responsibilities of a general nature to:

� provide strong spiritual leadership to the church family so that we may grow in personal relationship with God the father, Jesus Christ the Son and, through the Presence and Power of the Holy Spirit, be able to express this relationship within our communities;

� consistently preach the Word of God and encourage members through family worship and service to experience God's divine presence;

� lead in ministries of Word, Sacrament and Pastoral Care toward individual discipleship;

� have a direct ministry of pastoral care and pastoral counselling;

� support the Elders and other members of the church family in their ministries of pastoral care, Christian education, stewardship, outreach, Sunday School, music and youth.

Special Responsibilities

Within those general areas outlined above, the Minister has specific responsibilities in:


� To work with Session, the Official Board, Worship Committee, and the Directors of Music (organists) to provide meaningful worship.

� To provide leadership for the celebration of special occasions in the Christian year.

� To celebrate the Sacraments of Baptism, Holy Communion and Holy Matrimony as decided by Session or the Official Board in accordance with Church policies.

� To conduct Funeral Services in accordance with Session and the Official Board.

� To provide special worship, leadership and Holy Communion as requested by recognized groups within the community as agreed upon by Session or Official Board.

Pastoral Care and Counselling

� To provide support and direction, through Session, as part of the Pastoral Care Team.

� To provide home and hospital visitation to church family, as required.

� To provide support and counselling for members of the church family and for persons outside the church family, as agreed upon by Session or Official Board.

Christian Education

� To ensure that a Bible-based Christian Education program is in place.

� To be responsible, with Session and Church Boards, for the provision of adult and youth confirmation classes.

� To co-ordinate worship services with the Sunday School and to encourage inter-generational worship.

� To provide marriage and baptism preparation counselling.

� To ensure that all resource material for Bible Study, Christian Education, spiritual direction, church music and other church activities are consistent with our tenets of faith.

� To be a spiritual mentor to all committees of the church.

Stewardship and Mission

� To provide leadership to the church family in expressing our Christian Beliefs and values within our communities through outreach and social action.

� To encourage the church family to actively and bountifully support the life and work of the church.

� To respond to the spiritual needs of our church families where they live and be a visible witness within those communities.


� To ensure that congregational records of membership, baptisms, marriages, and funerals are properly and accurately kept.

� To ensure that church officers carry out their responsibilities in a manner that is consistent with United Church guidelines, by-laws and policies.

� To do all the necessary office, administrative and organizational work to facilitate all external and internal communications. A Ministerial Secretary (volunteer) is provided for administrative support.

Additional Duties

Our Minister is expected to be a participant in the Presbytery, Conference and General Council actives of the United Church of Canada, as is appropriate from time to time. In addition, the Minister may undertake activities outside the congregation that furthers the ministry of the Chalk River Charge.

Relationships and Accountability

The Minister:

� in matters of discipline, shall be under the oversight and discipline of the Presbytery;

� is accountable in matters of Worship, the Sacraments, Christian Education and Pastoral Care to the Session and Official Board;

� is accountable in all other matters to the Ministry and Personnel Committee;

� is a member of Session, Official Board and ex-officio member of other committees except M&P;

� works closely with the Music Committee and musicians (organists) to ensure the integration of musical programs into the total worship experience of the congregation;

� is requested to provide the M&P Committee a process of feed-back information based on the activities contained herein for a period of three months following approval and implementation of this position description.

The position description is to be reviewed by the M&P Committee on an annual basis, and any changes or revisions are to be discussed with the person/s in the position prior to presentation to the Official Board for consideration.

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