Anyone who knows me, knows I love to laugh, that I'm proudly silly and very vocal about it.  This page is for those conversations where someone, somewhere has laughed their butt off, snerked a beverage out of their nose, or just plain made an idiot out of themself (usually me).  Enjoy!
MIchael: So, what are your big plans for the day?

Me: not sure yet...I'm really sore today so I might just take it easy
Me: too much yardwork yesterday ugh

Michael: Where does the massage therapist go for a massage?

Me: to another massage therapist...or in my case, back to my school's student massage clinic

Michael: Oh, so you do have a place

Me: sorta

Michael: I thought it was one of those philosophical questions
Michael: Like What is the sound of one hand clapping?

Me: not that I've went there to get a massage in like...3 years
Me: oh  =P
Me: *shuts up then*

Michael: Oh, no, I did ask

Me: yeah but it went over my head that it was rhetorical

Michael: Don't you hate rhetorical questions?

Me: when I don't realize that that's what they are, yes =P
Me: gods..that wasn't another one was it?

Michael: No comment..

Me: *head desk*
Me: please tell me you're at least slightly amused right now =P

Michael: Completely
From a MUD called Moongate / Materia Magica that I used to play years ago...

Adeline = Me
Diatribe = Jeff
"you" = Ben (since he was the one that saved this conversation)

[CLAN] Adeline has been slain!

[CLAN] Diatribe: ':('

[2] clan members heard you say, 'doh!'

[CLAN] Adeline: 'ugh..that sucked'

[2] clan members heard you say, ':('

[CLAN] Diatribe: 'what got you?'

[2] clan members heard you say, 'how'd you die?'

[CLAN] Diatribe: 'we will avenge you'
[CLAN] Diatribe: 'after reboot'

[2] clan members heard you say, 'lol'
[2] clan members heard you say, 'unless it's like uhm'
[2] clan members heard you say, 'in vospire'

[CLAN] Diatribe: 'yea'

[2] clan members heard you say, 'or somewhere else'

[CLAN] Diatribe: 'thats far away'

[2] clan members heard you say, 'out of the way'
[2] clan members heard you say, 'so'
[2] clan members heard you say, 'pretty much'
[2] clan members heard you say, 'we will avenge you'
[2] clan members heard you say, 'if you were killed in the clan hall'

[CLAN] Diatribe: 'hahaha'
This was a conversation with a friend of mine recently, strictly for shits n' giggles. We were discussing a intelligence level of some people we play a mud with...

Jeff: but you haven't been ignorant
Jeff: so I don't have a problem with you

Me: I have my moments, trust me

Jeff: you make more sense than most of the f*cks on the internet
Jeff: everyone does ;p
Jeff: but all your moments aren't those moments :p

Me: my moments are usually sleep-dep moments :)
Me: either that, or moments of computer-confusion :)

Jeff: haha
Jeff: :)

Me: well it's true! =) I don't think computer literate people refer to everything as a 'thingie' like I do :P

Jeff: HAHAHA nod

Me: I would be a tech support person's worst nightmare :P

Jeff: that's pretty funny :)

Me: can you imagine it??

Jeff: man...that would be bad :p my thingie isn't doing the thing it's supposed to do

Me: Me: Hi, I'm having a problem with my puter...the thingie doesn't work right...
Me: Them: hardware? or software?
Me: Me: Uhm..whatever thingie makes my cds work

Jeff: haha

Me: Them: cd rom...
Me: Me: yeah sure...that thing...cup-holder-type-doo-dad


Me: Them: is there a cd in it already?
Me: Me: well yeah...a few actually..lemme check
Me: Them: What??


Me: Me: Hang on..ahh yes...alice in chains....metallica..and..what's that?? a pepperoni?

Jeff: hahahaha

Me: Them: Gack! Hang on a sec. *muffled* hey bill, I need you to take this one...
Me: Them: Hello, how can I help you?


Me: Me: my cd thingie isn't working!! don't you people help??
Me: can see how this would go :P

Jeff: that's some funny shit! :)
Me: hehehe well I try =)
This is why laundry is evil...

Me: sigh

Eric: what's up?

Me: just sitting

Eric: sounds like fun

Me: tons

Eric: I'm SoRRy

Me: ?? for what? not yer fault I'm bored :P

Eric: sure it is I could be entertaining you

Me: then do so...

Eric: umm
Eric: once there was a sock
Eric: this sock was looking for a good foot to be put upon
Eric: the sock looked around and around
Eric: but was stuck on the floor
Eric: due to the carelessness of the owner
Eric: umm
Eric: so the sock
Eric: was stuck
Eric: laying on the ground
Eric: it waited and waited
Eric: but dust soon started to collect upon it
Eric: and was dirty
Eric: and it started complaining
Eric: but since socks can not make a sound
Eric: it was a useless struggle
Eric: so the sock waited
Eric: then one day the owener
Eric: found the sock while cleaning up their room
Eric: and tossed the sock in a bunch of clothes
Eric: the sock complained cause the other clothes smelt bad
Eric: and the sock was clean
Eric: but the sock got washed
Eric: then the sock when round and round and round in the washer
Eric: and got dizzzy
Eric: and proceeded to puke up fuzzyness
Eric: and due to the water
Eric: stuck to itself
Eric: so the sock was wisked away into the dryer
Eric: where it went tumble tumble tumble and puked once again
Eric: this time the puke was collected up in the lint basket
Eric: and this is how lint is made
Eric: due to your clotheing puking

Me: ewwww

Eric: the end

Me: rofl
Me: yer somethin' else there hun
Quotes from a night out at Denny's:

Together!: It's the ice cubes! I swear!'

Me: 'I didn't say quickie...I said cookie.
Me: What? I did!'

Kuje: Farming proficiency + Speaking to animals + Musical Instrument proficiency = someone who wants to start a farm of sea animals and teach them to play the panpipes!'

Kuje: 'Pie? I like pie!'

Kuje: 'Hey, this carafe has an eye! It's watching us!'

Kuje: 'You have now entered the Denny's Dimension...yeah it's right next to the Demi-plane of lost items.'

Me: 'fucker!'

Kuje: 'Tucks have bight ights' (a little sleep dep'd at this point)
Me: I've been typing web addresses with .som today for some reason  =P

Kuje: hahahahah

Me:  I knew you'd sympathize =P
Me: brrrr

Kuje: ?

Me: cold

Kuje: warm here... hehehe. always warm here!

Me: gets TOO warm there though sometimes..then we roast

Kuje: heheh. not really any more since we replaced the thermo
Kuje: stat

Me: ah, didn't know you did that

Kuje: yeah. the old one went fubar and one night i almost couldn't breath it was so damn hot in here. i had to flip the breaker and open all the windows.

Me: yikes
Me: hehe

Kuje:  now, i can't get the new one past 50. hehehe i have it set at 50 and it's still a tad warm/damp

Me:  I was just thinking how closely your room resembles an oven. you even have clear glass doors to look through to see if you're done hehe

Kuje:  hahahaha
Kuje: stick a fork in it? yup, he's done!
Kuje: now, the question is, does my room ring when i'm preheated or when the meal is completed? :)

Me: hmm
Me: I dunno...
Me: I don't think it does either
Me: you might wanna get that checked

Kuje: heheh. yeah. that would freak me out, and piss me off. 5AM DING! fuck! damn room oven went off again! who forgot to turn off the dial!

Me: don't want you to cook to death though

Kuje: hahaha
Kuje:  "how'd he die?" We cooked him to death! Don't blame me, it was his room! It's a oven!

Me: :P

Kuje: :D

Me: we should get you red-orange lights to put on your ceiling

Kuje: hahaha
Me: hiya
Me: not to be confused with a karate chop

Steve: for some reason, i think "miss piggy" when I hear that

Me: I think it would need more caps then. HIIIIYAAAA!!!!
Me: or something like that
Me: oh..and a blonde wig

Steve: yes, there's something about a swine in a blonde wig...
Steve: (makes the yahoo  Thbbt! face)
Steve: anyway

Me: :P
Me: I wouldn't look good as a blonde  :P

Steve: ?
Steve: you're also not a swine
Steve: made of felt
Steve: (eyebrow-raised smiley)
Steve: :P

Me: well I meant I can do the hiya thing...
Me: if I were made of felt, that'd be cool though..I could pet myself
Me: er...
Me: from a soft textures kind of standpoint...not in a naughty way

Steve: (worried smiley) mhmm
Steve:  :P

Me: (blushing smiley)
Me: yeah...moving right along...

Steve: you and your soft textures

Me: I can't help it
Me: they just feel good
Me: I got a new pillow for my bed last night...carried it around the whole store just petting it

Steve: :P

Me: liking soft/fuzzy/textured things isn't a horribly bad quirk to have, is it?
Me: I mean, if you wear something that feels nice, you'd get extra hugs out of it

Steve: well, I don't (and never will) own anything "fuzzy" to wear
Steve: :P

Me: doesn't have to be fuzzy
Me: it just has to feel nice to the touch

Steve: and I don't wear pillows
Steve: :P
Me: I've missed talking to you...

Steve: I question your judgement on that
Steve: but ditto
Steve: at least from my end, that makes sense

Me: (eyebrow-raised smiley)
Me: well maybe you shouldn't be trying to make sense of me  :P
Me: that could be your problem
Me: lol

Steve: yup, maybe?...
Steve: maybe not, maybe I just am so confused, I buy friggin SWORDS
Steve: :P
Steve: I'm gonna say it's my christmas, since otherwise, I probably won't get one

Me: I love swords, so I'm all for getting them...xmas or not  :P

Steve: I assume it's legal... from what little I can find out (internet being the "wealth of knowledge" it is, lol) the laws are all screwy

Me: for what? ordering a sword?
Me: my mom's ordered swords for my brother's collection..I think it's fine

Steve: I know you can't (or are not supposed to) buy nunchucks, stars, stilletos, or throwing knives

Me: well that's lame  :P

Steve: yes, two sticks connected by rope is illegal

Me: except I'm not a psycho who would go out there and kill people with those things :P

Steve: now don't get me wrong, the only reason I even care, is that I don't want to fight some stupid battle in court
Steve: :P

Me: yeah I understand that  :P

Steve: with swords, what I can gather is, that canes and stick swords are banned

Me: (eyebrow-raised smiley)

Steve: that is, if it's concealed as something else
Steve: swords as in display pieces, oriental style, etc, I guess are legal
Steve: I mean it's on the way, so hopefully
Steve: it's also (did I mention), a 5' 8" katana, if you can even picture that
Steve: (as Kel is typing an e-mail to the proper authorities)

Me: *gasps*
Me: oh
Me: my
Me: gods
Me: I'm so jealous  :P
Me: grr
Me: is it decorative? or?
Me: can I play with it? huh? huh? pleeeeease?
Me: that sounded dirty..disregard
Me: uhh...
Me: I wanna swing it around in an open space a, see that still sounds dirty
Me: I'm cursed with a perverted mind :P

Steve: yeah, uhm...
Steve: :P
Steve: I need a translator
Steve: :P

Me: girl-speak to guy-speak...I wonder if babelfish would help or not
Me: lol
Me: luck

Steve: usually I've found "girlspeak" to "opposite english" seems to work

Me: :P
Me: lol

Steve: unless they don't mean it at the very moment, then you have to watch it

Me: example?

Steve: "that's fine"

Me: ahhh

Steve: always means "it's not at all fine, and you better fix it"

Me: unless she says it with a smile that doesn't bare fangs  :P

Steve: nope, always get the fangs

Me: what about if a girl added "sweetie" on the end?
Me: still = danger Will Robinson?

Steve: "sweetie" is merely a descriptor as to HOW important it is that whatever isn't "fine" is fixed by the male

Me: hehe
Me: you should write a book  :)

Steve: "No, SWEETIE, it's fine" ... usually means you'd better make it HER way, or no nookie

Me: boy it's really gonna screw you up if you're with a girl who actually speaks her mind

Steve: ok, one exception...
Steve: when a woman says "I want to..." she really DOES want to

Me: hehe

Steve: however, any "I don't really care" after the initial "I want to..." should be ignored
Steve: because... she DOES want to
Steve: spend $10,000 on herself, usually
Steve: (angel smiley)
Steve:  j/k

Me:  :P
Me: I only hope guys are as easy to read
Me: my luck with that so far has been pretty crappy

Steve: from what I hear, and in all cases but me, this is usually the case...
Steve: we want to be fed (bad for me), a good lookin' woman (sex), and to be left alone for the most part (not begged constantly to do or get X, Y and Z)

Me: food, sex and alone time?

Steve: no...

Me: eesh..I don't know what woman wouldn't feel used by that! *roll eyes*

Steve: food, sex, and to not be destroyed
Steve: :P
Steve: usually a guy will trade #3 for 1 and 2

Me: lol

Steve: that's sort of the history of the world
Steve: women have ALWAYS been in control, this whole time
After an evening of discussing numerology...

Steve: like now, i can't put the damn book down

Me: at least that's a form of distraction though

Steve: well..... no...

Me: it beats just laying in bed staring at the ceiling for an hour

Steve: well, don't stare at the ceiling then
Steve: shove your face in a pillow
Steve: the lack of oxygen will take its course... and out you go

Me: nice
Me: :P
Amy:  brb need to check dinner

Me: ok

Amy: If I wouldn't burn myself to death, I'd hop in the oven, it's so nice and warm in there

Me: =P
Me: please don't do that...I like you non-crispy crittered
Me: I mean...not that I have anything against serious tanning if that's what you's the crackling when I hug you that would get to me

Amy: hehehehehehe

Me: lol! You're gonna try to get me drunk on Friday??

Amy: drunk = naughty pix of  each other lol

Me: I need to be able to drive home silly  =P

Amy: Oh yeah, damn.  Didn't think about that.

(and later in that same conversation...)

Amy: teapot whistling, brb

Me: ok

Amy: Everything i wish i could crawl into today would give me 3rd degree burns, hehehehehe

Me: after they get to that point you don't feel them anymore though  just takes commitment to get past the 2nd degree ones

Amy: lol lol
Amy: Nice, Kelly. Nice, lol
Amy: I'm SO surprised he hasn't asked me to take naughty pix yet... he's offered to send me ones of him but *I* think that's just gross.
Amy: Dirty pix of guys don't do it for me
Amy: Now if we were talking ones of YOU like that!!! (angelic smiley)

Me: what if he was in drag? better? worse? hehe
Me: did you see my new ones?

Amy: Oh GAWD, only you would think of something like that, LOL I think he'd make an ugly woman, his face is too angular/pronounced

Me: hehehe, was just meant to get you to giggle  :)  mission accomplished (grinning smiley)

Amy: lol
Amy: Yes, of your tushie and sticking your tongue out, very thexy!

Me: :)
Me: I couldn't help myself
Me: lol
Me: those jeans made me all horny

Amy: I noticed! hehehehehehehe

Me: roflmao

Amy: lol
Amy: lol
Amy: lol

Me: and...blunt

Amy: Uh huh!

Me: oh my...I should apologize I suppose

Amy: No... why?

Me: I so seriously need a man that will wear me out (winking smiley)

Amy: Nuh huh! And if he'd only fall from the sky a.s.a.p.

Me: nod nod!  =)  and if he would land in my yard that'd be opposed to say...California
Me: I have plenty of snow to break his fall
Amy: It's snowing sideways out there... either that or the wind is blowing

Me: yeah it's doing that here too...I did a double take when I walked by the window downstairs!

Amy: It snows up sometimes too, lol

Me: we have talented snow here in Rochy =P

Amy: But it's not too bad, the "ornamental sunshine" is out :)

Me: If I look at that and hug my space heater I can imagine I'm on the beach in the summer

Amy: hehehehehehhe
Amy: Just don't hug it too close and get a sunburn, lol

Me: =P
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