For those that don't know me that well, I'm a happily-involved 30 year-old woman from Rochester, New York.  I'm a licenced massage therapist, healer and witch. I am a solitary practitioner with Wiccan & Religo-Romana leanings, but over-all I consider myself "Spiritual" instead of religous.  I have plans in my head to form a healing-based coven eventually, but that's on hold until I've decided on where I'll be settling down with my boyfriend.
I enjoy reading a great deal and have a library that's threatening to burst out of my room and into the hall! My favorite genres of books are metaphysical, fantasy fiction, murder/mystery and business management and marketing. I also do a fair bit of writing myself, mostly as an emotional outlet and rarely do I let anyone see/read them. On that note, I should mention that I'm rather quiet and self-contained most of the least until I get to know people.
I love animals and spending time in nature as much as I can. Unfortunately, the sun and I don't get along, so I'm more active in the evening to early morning hours. A lot of my friends consider me a free spirit and pretty spontaneous when it comes to the activites I choose to do. One time I may want to stay in and watch a movie, stopping it halfway through to drag whoever I'm with out for a midnight walk...or at another time I may want to just be alone so I can write or read. More often than not, I can be found online in the evening on Yahoo messenger, MSN messenger, and sometimes AIM.
My sense of humor has been called silly by some and snarky by others. I'm not above acting really goofy to make people laugh and I can also be a bit of a flirt. To balance out my silliness, I can also be extremely serious depending on the topic and/or mood.  My ability to be empathic has been steadily growing to the point where I'm often the first one to notice the underlying emotions of other people even if they're trying to put on a happy face. Sometimes this ability even extends into online communication, which can be a little unnerving for people if they don't know me well.  I'm a very caring and nurturing person, which is why I chose to enter the healing field of massage therapy.  My dream is to own and operate an awesome alternative-healing & therapies destination spa somewhere in NY or possibly abroad. 
April 5, 2008 will mark me and my boyfriend's 1-year anniversary. He lives in North-Eastern England...for now at least. There's a possibility he'll end up here with me before too long...or I'll move there.  We met on an online chat & picture hosting site and we've chatted nearly every day since then.  He's the most wonderful man I've ever known and I feel we compliment each other perfectly. 
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