I would like to thank......
The following people/ sites for making this site possible
All my friends! The only people to ever use this site to my knowledge to date are...
Kat, Watson, Mollinge, Tina, Youds..... also I guess I should mention Dominique who used to visit last year, and Giles who'se one and only visit will forever be marked in the guestbook by her somewaht creepy entry about this lamb she raped (don't ask) err, sorry if i forgot anyone.
The following sources of inspiration:
JACKASS, we owe to you the who is boo page and, we owe to this the entire site.  I salute you!
Blink-182, NOFX, Less than Jake, Reel Big Fish, Boxcar Racer and so on and so on..
For inspiring me and playing awesome music.
Moshers  and townies alike... we have you to thank for the townie archives.
A bunch of other people who have somehow inspired me but whom i  am too lazy to think of now.
The following sites:
The dot vs dot message board- some hilarious real life townie comments here,
see it in the flesh.
Townie haters.com- sadly no more
Right I'm really sorry, but there's a bunch of stuff in the townie archives that' I got from sites which I do not have the adress of....so I can't mention them here, but thanks to all you un-named townie sites, you all rock, and you're all helping to bring anti-townieism to the world...
umm.. more thanks to everyone wen i can be bothered to write it... seeeya!

I, the creator and owner of this site ( as of Nov2002)  do hereby take no responsibilty in any way for any offensive or slanderous  materal which might somehow have found its way onto my site through a terrible accident and despite many precautions to avoid such mishaps.  I find it necessary to add that I have no control over the material entered into my guestbook, blame my friends.  I aslo find it necessary to mention that no offence was intended in features such as the townie archives and the list o' hate.. if you are a) a townie or b) Michelle, and have henceforth taken offence, then I'm sorry, but you suck.
Ii would like to add that I am not clinically insane and that the content of this site is for the most part, private, despite the fact, i am aware that I published it on the internet...
Anyways, to conclude, screw you all..


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