Can't Leave

you can't leave me now
we've gone through so much
you can't leave me now
please don't leave me on this crutch

every waking moment
every tear and every smile
you've been there with me

you can't leave me now
we've just begun our friendship
you can't leave me now
after all of this shit

every waking moment
every tear and every smile
you've been there with me

you can't leave me now
we have so much more to talk about
you can't leave me now
there is so much more to learn about

every waking moment
every tear and every smile
you've been there with me

you can't leave me now
we've just made it to the good part
you can't leave me now
you're just someone i can't live without

every waking moment
every tear and every smile
you've been with me
and i wish it could stay that way

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