one meal, two meal, three meal, four

how many more meals till

i can't fit out the door?

one serving, two servings, three servings, four

how much longer till i can't

take it anymore?

one bite, two bites, three bites, four

what will it take me to do

this no more?

four meals, three meals, two meals, none

i'm helping each body part

one by one

four servings, three servings, two servings, none

this really isn't anymore fun

four bites, three bites, two bites, none

how many more sit-ups until

i am done?

no meals, no servings, no bites, gone

exactly, what in the world have i done?

this one seems really depressing...and i'm NOT anorexic

or bulmemic(sp?) i was just having a really bad day! 1

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