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       My Reading Instruction Philosophy  

            As a teacher, I think one should look at all the positive aspects about each reading approach and try to tie them together for the most effective approach to use in the classroom.

            I would like to use the language experience approach to get the students involved in learning how to read by having them tell the story and read it back. I think it will give them much more sense of possession of the story and ownership of their learning. As the students get more comfortable with reading, I would like to switch to more of a balanced approach because that one seems more into the students. I like the idea of having the students pick out their own books too. I think that makes reading more fun for the students and they will be more enthusiastic.

Having instruction as needed is a good idea because you can be more flexible with your class and help them in the areas where they really need help instead of covering information that they might already have a good grasp on. In the anthology approach, I like that the books come with sections that have vocabulary words and other extra things that go along with the stories. I think it’s important that students learn new words and remember them for later on in their readings. It’s also nice to have material to supplement the stories your reading in your class to reinforce the sills and concepts you’re trying to teach.

Dorothy Strickland has influenced my reading philosophy. She discusses the use of the as needed instruction and using a variety of texts.

            This is my philosophy for right now, but I know with more experience, my thoughts will probably change and my philosophy will become more detailed and refined.



© Lauren Pcola, 2006, all rights reserved/ Revised 11/03/2006


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