You have reached my website as a potential future employer, family member, friend or for various other reasons.
You will find here my CV and various links of interest that should help you better understand my background, work experience and personality.
Born in Viet Nam from a Thai father and a French mother, brought up in Switzerland and France but currently living in Thailand , I have embraced multiculturalism and made it a lifestyle. My husband is from Belarus , my sister-in-law from India and brother-in-law from Sweden ! Find out more about my family and favourite hobbies by clicking here… You might be surprised to find numerous references to meditation throughout my website. After more than 20 years of practice, meditation indeed has become a part and parcel of me!
Favourite links
“May the stream of my life, flow into the river of righteousness
Loose the bonds of sin that bind me
Let not the thread of my song be cut while I sing and let not
My work end before its fulfillment”
Rig Veda II.28
Contact Details

Note: This website is under construction. Please come back in the next few months and you should see some new features… Thank you for visiting. Ciao ciao!

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