Catholics on Prayer
The Catholic Church sometimes prays using a rosary.  A rosary is a necklace with beads; each rosary consists of three sets of five decades each of the Hail Mary, each decade is preceded by the Lord's Prayer and ending with a doxology.  The Rosary is something that is used to keep Catholics minds' on whom they are praying to and what Jesus did for their salvation.  Most rosaries include pictures of the things that Jesus had to go through for Christians.  "The rosary is a prayer that teaches us to contemplate.  The repeated mantra of familiar prayers invites us into reflection on the lives of Jesus and Mary, to consider how these events are lived out in our world, and to discern how we are called to respond" (Catholic Online).  Catholics believe that you should pray to God, but that you can also pray to Mary or a saint to intercede.
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