What do you mean?

I consider myself a cross-dresser or a transvestite. This means I like to wear clothes of the opposite sex.

Since I was born a man, being a transvestite means I like to wear womens clothes.

Cross-dressers are comfortable with their born gender, so they are not what's typically known as "transsexuals", or what's know on Jerry Spinger as "Women Trapped in Men's Bodies." I feel fairly comfortable in either role (mentally, at least), so I'm not too crazy over the term "transgendered." I would prefer something more along the lines of "omigendered." But that's all just labels and nothing more. Everyone is very different.

Lets start with some AFAQs (Anticapated Frequently Asked Questions):

You're a man who likes to wear women's clothes?


Are you gay or bi?

No. I'm a heterosexual male. I'm married to a wonderful woman. And I've never had a homosexual encounter. When I take on a female role, I consider myself a lesbian -- I think of myself as female, but I still prefer other females.

So, then, why do you dress like a girl?

Because I like to. It's not a matter of looking like a woman to attract men. I feel that I'm closer to women when I take on that role myself.


Think of it this way: Most gay guys are attracted to masculinity, while most straight guys are attracted to femininity. I just take that one step further. I like girls, femininity, and try to be closer to what I like. The closest thing to a label would be autogynephilia -- being turned on by seeing one's self as a woman. I don't like that though because it has erotic connotations to it, and I feel it has a slight hint of non-acceptance of my feminine side -- an excuse.

Can I meet you?

Probably not, and if you do, you wouldn't even know it. I don't go out dressed, and no one knows that I cross dress. Its a private thing that brings my personality to a more feminine point of view. Its like meditation, only a different form.

How about some fun and LTR

Sorry. I'm not looking for "fun" and I'm in a LTR.

I like Shemales. Can we have sex?

First of all, I'm not a "shemale". I don't have DD cups, I don't take hormones, I don't want a sex change, and I don't have sex with random strangers. Try the personals.

Let me repeat -- I do not like men. I only like girls.

You said you think of yourself as girl sometimes, and as that girl you are a lesbian. Do you think of other cross-dressers/transvestites/transsexuals are girls? If so, are you attracted to them, for "fun".

Ah. The Logic Loop. You're a girl, so others CDers are too. You like girls, so you like other CDers. You like guys who dress like girls. You like guys.

That's where you were going, right? Like I said, CDing for me is like a meditation. So I might be attracted to other "girls" but I will never do anything because that would break my "meditation".

You're pages are feminine. You like girl things. You must be gay.

Yes, the color scheme does imply femininity. This is intentional, since this is my site as a girl. I would hardly classify any of my activities a "girl thing." Everything I do is pretty androgynous. The lone exception to that might be figure skating, but I get to spend time with lots of girls, which sure beats watching guys take showers after a football game. And that even started as a flirting method from my hockey days. (You know, showing off for the girls -- in hockey skates, of course.)

Back to non-offensive questions...

Why do you do it?

I dunno... The earliest memory I had was trying on some clothes my mother left in my room. She had brought the laundry basket into my room to drop off my clean clothes, and ended up leaving the basket with the rest of the clothes in there. This was about the time I was 12. I liked it, so I continued to do it in secret to this very day.

Will you ever go out as "Laurie"?

I'm not sure. I've driven around the block a few times late at night as Laurie, but I've never let my face be seen by anyone. I'd like to, but I'm not sure if it will ever happen.

Those two drives both ended up pretty bad. Both times I went to a little hideout spot of mine at the University of Maryland. The first time, police arrived about 10 minutes after I got there, so I had to say hidden for the next two hours while they talked after stopping someone for a traffic violation. I didn't want to be seen by them. The second time, my hideout was not so secret. A homeless guy was standing on the opposite side of the streambed, and I turned and ran.

Can I write you and ask you another question?

YES! Please do! I love getting mail.
[email protected]

What does being transgendered mean to you?

Honestly, not much. I wish I could have the oppurtunity to seamlessly slip between the two worlds. Unfortunately, that aint gonna happen any time soon, if ever. Also, because I feel comfortable in either role (mentally) I could give up one role for the other. (Or so I think. I don't intend to sound arrogant here. I'm not really sure how to properly express my feelings on this subject).

Is there anything you'd change about yourself?

Well, being 4 inches shorter would be a good start. And not so hairy. And 50 pounds lighter would be nice also. At least I can do the last one. I'm gonna try. I want to get down to the 150s, but I'll gladly take the upper 160s. And a razor can do wonders... but I'm stuck at 6' tall.

A little update (Sept 26, 2003) -- my peak weight was 225 lbs. I managed to get down to 211 by cutting out regular sodas, and now I'm down to 195 thanks to Weight Watchers and a daily 1.5 mile run. I should be between 180 and 160 by new years.

I guess I'd also be more open and honest with myself and others.

Apologies if I sound cynical in any of the questions. I've seen many messages on many girls sites complaining about people wanting to meet for sex, so I figured I'd just get a jump.

See the messages I received from those who didn't read.

Any more questions? Please write to [email protected]

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