

KAT's TAIL is a great site with lots of resources on how to look and feel great, lots of support and info on family and religious issues, fun stuff, and publications. KAT's TAIL is worth a visit or twenty.

Transgender Library. A good portal site with many links to loads of information. This site is aimed more towrads the TS community (as opposed to the cd/tv community -- lots of info on SRS and HRT).

Kristiana's Website is another site aimed at the TS community. Alot of info on GID, including the SAGE test. It also has a great BMI calculator, so you can learn what your measurements/weight should be.

Rachel Rehm's Place is a wonderful place with lots of "How-to" articles that can get you looking great.

Gender Tree is a great place for Christian TGs to find support and info, help with tellings wives, and being yourself.

Jenelle Rose has lots of good tips and tricks under the advice section. She also has alot of pictures posted.

Other T-Girls

Jennifer's Hideway. Jennifer has put together a very well-themed site.

Erin Michelle James.


Sarah Myles. What can I say? She has fun.

Cassandra, another lover of fun.


Courtney. Good site, but be ready for some heavy reading :-).

Danielle is a Free State CD only a few miles from me in Columbia, MD.

La Maison de Danielle is great place to go. The site is set up like a house -- go figure. Danielle has lots of info on cd/tv experiences and what it means to be a Christian CD.

Daniela Detmers[German or English] is a German webmistress. Her site is loaded with lots of high-quality pics, and if you can understand German, her links page is a great resource.

Wendy Davies has a great page with lots of illustrated stories of her adventures.

Jessica Fantasia is a beautiful part-time t-girl. She explained her desire to dress up very well - " I'm attracted to females and things that are feminine. This is probably one main reason why I dress like this from time to time. After all, imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, right?" Note: At last update (9/20/03), this site was down. I'm leaving the link up for at least another month though.

Sharon Jameson has a quaint site. She looks gret in her latest pic set. Drop by and visit her.

Laura's Handbag is a fun site with lots of pics of beautiful Laura.

Melissa Lilac has a nice little site. I like her taste in clothes.

Tiffany's Tower,home of Tiffany Michelle Llyod, is a great site with lots of links to valuable TG resources and lots of pics of the lovely Tiffany.

Steffie Moore is a pre-op transsexual. She has a lot of great advice and words of wisdom, most of which applies to the TV community.

Joanna Nicholls is a cutie. Be sure to check out her site.

Paula's Place is a nice little site. Read her fun and witty remarks on the Q&A page.

Ruthie has a great little site. Great pics of her (she's a TG model) and tons of links to other t-girls.

Linda Ward is another Free State sister. Her site is really small, but I felt the need to include as many Marylanders as a could.

Jayne Elizabeth Walker Laura Wright.

T-Girls and SOs/SO info

Kathy and Amanda are a happily married couple. Their site has good info on t-girl/wife relationships.

Melissa and Kath's Tea Time. Kath (GG) and Melissa (TG) have been married a very long time (31 year!). Their site explains many of the fears and anxiouties of men and women when dealing with cross-dressing.


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