
Laurie's Diary


Monday, August 1, 2005

Only a little over three months since the last post. I'm improving...

I'm just bored, and I don't really have any news, so I shall just ramble.

I'm still working on my stories. I haven't got much feedback at all (just one person), but I'm writing it for me, not for others anyway. I can't even remember what arc I left off on, but that's okay. Books I and II are complete, as a first draft, but are currently in revision/addition status. I will have them ready sometime in the future. Part of the problem is that I write best when I'm in drag, and that's something I don't have the oppurtunity to do much.

I had a long talk about gender roles with my wife the other day (she brought it up because she saw something on the discovery channel about it.) I feel alot more comfortable about myself, and that she will always be there for me no matter what. (At least, that's what she said on the hypothetical "so what if tommorow I tell you I'm TG") But she had many valid points, and can't understand why many women leave their husbands when their husbands come out as TG. Playing devil's advocate, I suggested that it is because of trust and deception issues, and she said that she could see that, but that people should work around that. I felt, like I said, more comfortable. I think I could try introducing her to the idea of me as a CD/TV, but I'm still going to go incredibly slow.

Does anyone have any ideas about what I should be for halloween? I need to start on a costume by mid-september, so send me any ideas.

Till later,


Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Almost two years since my last post. Here's a quick rundown. I moved from MD to MN, and I now work as a college teacher at a for-profit college.

I have a lot more clothes now, most of them are great, but I still can't find decent shirts that don't make me look 50 or like a guy in drag.

I went to a gay bar a few months back, and caught their drag show. I was a little disappointed, and the dance music was, well, lacking. It was "The Gay 90s" in downtown Minneapolis. They were supposed to have the best hip-hop in the Cities, but my high school dances had better hip-hop. Their techno left something to be desired as well; I guess I just like german underground techno too much to stomach the american pop remix techno. I do want to go back, though. Maybe my wife will let me go in drag. THAT would be fun...

I went out tonight (its 4am right now), for the first time in full drag (not on halloween), just for a walk around the block. I really had fun, and I look great. I got on red knee-high socks, with black heeled maryjanes, a plaid skirt, and a collared cap-sleeve shirt. I'll try to upload a pic. I'm still it as I type.

Basically, this post is for darklywise, who was kind enough to sign my guestbook and make a coherent comment.

I've finished books 1 and 2 of the serial I started. I'll upload that in the very near future, probably tuesday of next week. It's in pdf format, though. I did it in LaTeX because its a novella, not a story, and it looks sooooo much better typeset as a novel than it ever did in the bits and pieces that comprised the notes and shorts that make the whole.

If anyone wants to write me, please do. I 'd be interested in working with some to write a serial novel of exchanges between lovers, their feelings, etc, as they grow and develop their relationship and sex. Given that I'm trans, I could try to fill in any role you want me to fill. If that confused you, write me and I'll try to explain it better.



My first actual time in drag in public was halloween of 2003. I went as a certain nintendo princess who hangs around with plumbers and wears pink.



Monday, September 29, 2003

I've posted a little story about life. Its a true story about what happened to me one time, and how I learned that People Don't care.



Friday, September 26, 2003

No updates in 6 months! Lets hear it for the lazy!

Its been a busy six months. War dominated most of the headlines, then we got a hurricane last week. Anyways, I took the time to do a little updating on the website. Just fixed some minor issues, like my age, and what not.

I have a few new pics, and they're up.

I went to OC, NJ for a week in the summer. A friend of mine was getting married there, so my and my wife rented a room for the week, as a vacation. Big mistake. The city's copletely dry. And for a wine freak like me, that's a problem. I couldn't even enjoy a cream sherry with dessert. Luckily, we brought a few bottles -- Victorian White, Victorian Red, and Asti. Oh yeah, and the Rum and Triple Sec and Rose's Lime Juice (Mmmm... Daquiris...) Anyways, we explored the boardwalk and all, but we will never take OC, MD for granted again. OCM Rules! Its better than the Deleware State Beaches, Cape May County (like -- you don't have to pay for beach access), and its better than Virginia Beach.

I'm rapidly losing weight now. I dropped 6.6 lbs in two weeks time. I'm now under 200 at 195. Three things have really helped -- daily running, Weight Watchers, and not eating. Okay, I still eat, I just don't eat as much during the day. Before I'd eat about 10 points before dinner, and now I eat 3-4. If you've every done Weight Watchers, you know what I'm talking about. If not, try this: I went from 500 Calories before dinner to about 200. My daily runs burn about 200 Calories, so I've taken in a net of 0 Calories before dinner.

Anyways, would someone please write me or sign my guestbook?



Monday, March 3, 2003

Well, this is my first entry in over two months. Not a good way to keep people comming back. My married life is great. The honeymoon was great, too, even though we were busy the entire time. We've had some massive snow this winter, yet I haven't been able to go skiing yet. One storm was a record at BWI. So far we've gotten more snow than Anchorage this winter.

I've updated most of the pages, and I think everything goes a little better now. I've moved most of the old tables over to css, so everthing should be easier to maintain.

I've also finally got work to do. There was a serious slowdown where I spent all day doing nothing. (And didn't even bother to update this journal.)

That's all for know.



Thursday, December 26, 2002

I'm sorry I haven't updated this page in two weeks. I've been really busy, with Christmas and and the wedding. The final details are falling into place for the wedding now.

We had a white Christmas for the first time in who knows how long. It started snowing Christmas Eve, and was on-and-off until about 1pm Christmas day.

My mother gave me and my fiancee a camcorder. That was unexpected and a total suprise. My fiancee gave me a really nice modular winerack, that I can grow to be as large as I want, and a nice coffee grinder. I gave her a nice denim-colored acrylic hooded sweater-like jacket-like thing, a nice vase, and a bunch of candles. We also got about half of our place settings off of our registry.

I went shopping for myself too. I finally got a waist cincher, so now I can keep a curvier feminine figure. I also got a pretty purple cami, and this lovely two-piece outfit. I'll go for now.



Wednesday, December 11, 2002

I feel like crap! I have a headache. It isn't so bad when I'm sitting down, but its unbearable whenever I stand. I took some Tylenol Flu. Its the only thing I have with me. I wish I had some Excedrine Migraine -- best headache medicine I've ever used. I'm okay as long as I don't move too much. Working at the Rink tonight is going to be terrible. Hopefully I'll feel better by then.

chemise I went shopping Sunday. I got a bunch of Christmas presents for the people at the rink, but I also got myself a little something. I bought a pair of black velvet pants, a nice red short-sleeve sweater, a wonderful satin/velvet nightgown, and a pair of black sandle heels. The woman at the counter asked if I was buying for my wife. I said yes, perhaps too quickly. The nightgown is dark rudy, almost garnet red, and comes to about 3 inches about my ankle. The inside is velvety, and the outside is satin. It looks and feels wonderful. The shirt sweater is a little to short, but the pants are really nice. The shoes are a little to small (I wanted an 11, but they only had a 10), but they fit well enough.


Friday, December 6, 2002

We got about 6 inches of snow yesterday. I was unable to get to work in my little Chevy Cavalier. I got a lot done, though. I managed to bottle some raspberry and blueberry wines that had been sitting in carboys for a few months. I also picked up my fiancee's new engagement from the jeweler. Her old one had been stolen. We used the stone from her mother's first marriage, and had it resent in the same setting as her old one. She was estactic to get the new ring.

I really overate last night. I felt sick most of the night. Weight Watchers really makes you less hungury, and less capable of eating alot. I guess that's good.


Wednesday, December 4, 2002

I'm feeling better today. It's cold, and we're expecting snow tonight. Let it snow! Hopefully we'll get a few inches. The Washington area hasn't gotten much snow in the last few years.

I've got about half the web site up now. I'll keep at it until I'm finished. Busy. Busy. Busy. I like the theme of the website, but I think "winery" would be better than "vineyard". "Laurie's Winery" doesn't sound as good as "Laurie's Vineyard," though, so I'll stick with "vineyard."

My bride-to-be has been really sick the last two days, with horrible migraines (they are not just bad headaches, despite what you see on the tv commercials). She's really worried about it.

I have to work at the rink tonight. It's so cold outside right now. It's scary what it will be like tonight.


Tuesday, December 3, 2002

I fell awful right now. I think I'm getting sick or something. This isn't a really good way to start the diary, but it's how I feel. I'm trying to get the last few pages up really quick so there aren't any broken links.

I might write some more later tonight, but I need to get the site finished.

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