Laurel & Matthew's Website!

Here is our cool page about us! Yay!

Important News

We are leaving for Paris on June 18 and will return July 10, providing we do not get trampled by revelers if France wins the World Cup. Let us know if you desire a postcard!

Laurel graduated summa cum laude from A&M Consolidated H.S. on May 24! Yay! She is on her way to be a freshman at University of California - Berkeley. Matthew, on the other hand, is now an upperclassman! Yay!

Prom pictures are up! The link is down there in the pictures section.

About Us

Who we are: We are Laurel & Matthew! Laurel is a senior and is cool. She plays the viola & the piano and is the president of the French Club! She is also a National Merit Finalist! Yay! Matthew is a sophomore and is cool. He plays the viola & sometimes the piano and sometimes the violin and is the coolest member of the French Club! He was ranked #1 viola in the state! Yay!

Our number: Our number is 37. This is obviously the best number in the world. Here is the mystical tale of how 37 started.

One day in orchestra Matthew was bored so he decided to count how many G's were on one page of the Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 Mvmt. 1. There were 37. This would not be such an amazing fact had not, a few weeks later at symphony, Mr. Scott asked the violas (rhetorically) how many measures we went without playing an accidental until we got to I. We decided to count and lo and be(rt)hold there were 37!!! We decided it was a sign from god and adopted it as our magical number. 37 has since appeared in all sorts of crazy ways/places.

Our song: Raise Up by Petey Pablo! This song is most excellent. You should go listen to it and then take your shirt off and twist it around your head spin it like a helicopter!

The best TV show: The Simpsons!

Our color: Blue! Because it is oh-so-pretty.

Our "anniversary": October 7, 2001. Give us presents.

Pictures of us being cute!

Here are some most excellent pictures of us. Revel in our cuteness. Please excuse the largeness of these photos. There is probably a way to make them smaller, but we're too lazy to figure it out! Yay! The pictures will open in a new window because we're cool that way.

Here is us at the Texas Renaissance Festival.

Here is us at Homecoming 2001.
(Website made by Laurel's mommy!)

Here is us all dressed up before going to see the Houston Symphony.

Here is our very cute stand with Silly Putty at the All-Region Orchestra concert.

Here is us on Christmas.
(Look, Matthew has only one leg! haha!)

Here is us at the Live Oak Caf� on Valentine's Day.

Here is our official portrait from the Sadie Hawkins Dance.
(Our shirts are cool because they say Fish Tacos!!)

Once again, a lovely Prom 2002 website courtesy of Laurel's mommy.

The Satan Cat

Over Spring Break, Laurel was employed taking care of her friend's kitty. Little did we know that this cat was the devil incarnate. Here is a picture and a movie of the evil Satan Cat from Hell.

Satan Cat!!!
(It may look cute, but it's obviously attacking Matthew's hand!)

Be afraid!!!!!
(Watch it attack Laurel's foot!)

We hope you have enjoyed our excellent webpage. If you have comments or wish to tell us how cool we are, you may email us here. Continue checking our page for future updates! Yay!

You are cool person # Counter to pay homage to us!

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