This is the dork  you love to love!! *wink wink..:-P  I'm really bored and I thought I'd be my weird self and build my webpage! Most of you people who are reading this probably already know me, but for those of you who are reading this and don't really know me, then my name is Nora! I was born in Mexico City, and I am now living in Granite Falls NC! (such a very boring little town) I've lived here since I was 8, and cannot wait to go away for college! I am 17 years old, my birthday is on September 01.  Oh, by the way I am a senior at South Caldwell High School! <---YES FINALLY!!!!
I am a member of the Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints (aka Mormons) and I'm very proud of it, so don't diss my religion!

I LOVE playing/watching soccer I'm a very big fan!! I really like running too (well duh, I guess you've already figured that out by now huh?) I also really love music, I don't know what I would do without it! Music is like an addiction to me!
I can tolerate all kinds of music, but my favorite type of music would have to be...Counrty and RocK!!  My favorite bands/singers are Creed, **Red Hot Chilli Peppers** and  Led Zeppelin and lets not forget Elvis!
As far as school goes, I can't say I love it, but I also can't say I don't! Actually if it wasn't for guys, I'd quit! lol JK
I don't have a job, which really kind of sucks at times, but at the same time I love not having one! I love shopping though!!
Soccer season doesn't start till spring, even thought we sucked last year I probably will play again! .  I used to be in the
Beta Club but I got kicked out because I didn't meet the requirements of selling four dumb pizza discount cards...that made me really mad...but oh well....and I'm still in Juniorettes even though I never make it to the meetings, I'm suprised I was invited in it again!
Now...things I dont like....well first of all...I really can't stand narrow minded people! And I definitely cannot stand stuck up people! And I don't like cocky or pushy people! Specially cocky guys! I don't like people who abuse animals, that's just wrong! Umm....I don't like people who annoy me...lol...don't we all!
And umm..that's all I can think of what to say about me, but if you're one of the people that don't live near me and obviously don't know me, and you'd like to chat then just email me and I'll reply as soon as I can!
And for those of you who do know me and stuff..then...luv ya ttyl!
I live with both of my parents, Ana and Cesar. I only have one sister who is 22, is married, has a baby boy, Sami..he is going to be 3 in March and he's my little angel! Then she had another  baby girl in January 2003, Natalie! She's my other little angel! And now she's expecting another one for June :-)  I love my family very very  much!!
And as far as friends go..they're talked about over there! -----> (click on the link)---->
Who's that cutie?? lol just kidding!!--------->
You MUST click here!!!!
This page has been created by
Nora Soto
Last Updated: December 22, 2003
Hosted by www.Geocities.ws