Business Plan

            TAPS will consist of two separate homes neighboring one another on Barbara  Ave.  Both homes are owned by the Program Director.  Residence #1, Sage Hall, is located on 919 Barbara Ave. and has no mortgage liens.  Property tax and homeowner's insurance are paid in two installments annually.  Residence #2 located on 921 Barbara Ave., has a first mortgage.  Monthly payment to the lien holder includes principle, interest, tax, and insurance.  Conditional use permit laws and state require that each residence have an additional insurance policy since they are operating as a residential facility.

            Food expenses will be covered through the Department of Education’s Meals program.

            An eight passenger van has been conditionally donated to TAPS by Tom Bell Chevrolet.  Tom Bell will provide service and regular maintenance at no charge.  The vehicle is to be returned to the dealer in the event that this residential program is terminated.

            Most income for the general budget will come from ADA and IDEA’s Secondary Transition Program.  Additional program funds provided through vocational grants.  Additional grants provide funds to maintain this year-round residential facility.

            Students will earn personal incomes through WorkAblity and community partnership programs and will be required to purchase their own goods such as toiletries, extra clothing, and other personal items.


Budget 2008-2009




$159,264.00    $13,272.00 per student ADA x 12 students

 ($42.00 per student @ 316 days)

$235,000.00    Tech-Prep Demonstration Fed. Grant for Career/Tech. Ed

$51,000.00      Perkins State Basic Grants

$60,000.00      Title I Funding

$10,000.00      School Dropout Prevention Program

$515,264         Total Resources







$  73,000.00    Program Director

$  41,000.00    Program Administrator/Community Networking Specialist

$  92,000.00    Teachers [email protected]

$  64,800.00    Assistants 6 part time @ $60.00 per day for 180 days

-$270,800.00   Total Salaries







$  1,925.40      Unemployment Insurance         .711% of salaries

$14,894.00      Worker’s Compensation         5.5    %        

$  4,305.70      Medicare                                 1.59  %        

$24,100.00      Medical coverage                    8.9    %        

$ 2,708.00       Life insurance                         1.0    %        

$10,832.00      Retirement                              4.04  %        

$ 4,017.60       Social Security                        6.2    %           

-$62,782.70     Total Benefits Expenses       


            General Expenses

$  8,700.00      Mortgage on 921 Barbara Ave. home (PITI $725.00 per mo)

$12,500.00      Liability/Auto Insurance

$  9,000.00      Site Maintenance/Repair

$  6,000.00      Instructional Materials/Supplies (Textbooks, testing materials, and supplies  provided by   Redlands Unified School District)

$  7,000.00      Household Supplies (Many donations made by WalMart)

$  4,500.00      Operational Expenses (Utilities, auto fuel, ***)

-$47,700.00     Total General Expenses


            Yearly Cash Flow

$133,981.00  This positive balance can be applied to TAP's General Fund and be site expansion, staff development, funding vocational and emancipation programs.

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