Yes, Strawberry Cupcake is finally shut down most likely for good! I realized
that I was just wasting my time. I know I may have some loyal visitors and
I am sorry to anyone who actually liked this site but it wasn't worth the
effort anymore. For the past few months I have been focusing mainly on my
hosted personal site. I has absolutely no dolls and I realized that
it was a lot better without them. I'm focusing more on my blog and my
bundle of close web friends. Plus I have been designing layouts that again
have nothing to do with dolls. Most of you probably don't know
about and you shouldn't because you're all people obsessed with dolls and
you don't realize that there are other things on the web. This site was <
junk and we all know it. I figure that if I'm going to waste my time
online a may as well do something that I like, that I'm good at, and
something that I win many awards for. I don't know what I'll do with all
of the dolls but they will probably rot away on this computer forever.
So goodbye, this site is not coming back.

Sparkling Tears Created By: Kayla Precious Pixels Crystal Kisses Bella Ballerina Has All Your Dollie Needs!!!

..guestbook..[email protected] ..

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