You are growing tired of your web journey when you breathe in the faint scent of lavender.
Ahhh, how enticing, you think. After a bit of searching, you find yourself among fields of the fragrant flower.
Why, is that a lane between those two fields? Curiosity must be satisfied, so you follow the lane.
At the end stands in stately splendor, in the center of a lawn, a large, brick, Victorian manor.
Ivy and honeysuckle climb the walls, giving it a charming, old-fashioned appearance, almost as if the house grew there.
Lace curtains peek through the windows. Two plump, lazy cats stretch out on the steps.
On the wrap-around porch, rocking gently in the wooden swing among the colourful, old-fashioned perennials, sits a young lady.
She notices you and rises with a bright smile.
"Welcome to Lavender Lodge. I am so pleased you stopped by for a visit. You must be tired from your journey.
Do come inside and stay awhile."

Thank you, Dreamwork Designs for the graphics.
Page copyright L.R.P.M. 2005

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