my moles gonna turn into a hairy nun wart soon.. i can sence it  --  ashley

sideways vagina eh.. well at least it wouldn't be lonley.. it have someone to talk to. it'd be like 'hey asshole how ya doin' 'ntm ya cunt'  --  ashley


ow i just bit myself  --  alanna

laura you need help.. you're the only one who laughs at these quotes.. you're the only one that laughs at something like kevin fucks men.. then claps her hands to make it even more thrilling... everyone else comes here and are like 'thats not funny.. the losers'.. but theres laura, rollin around on the ground  --  alanna

did ya ever have an eyelash in your eye.. it feels like someones taking a fork and jabbing it repeatedly in your eye..  --  alanna

i never went to camp before but my parents always threatened me with it.. they were always like 'if you dont behave you'll be on your way to camp nocomebackie' and i was always like 'wheres that? must be on one of them reserves' until it dawned on me..  --  alanna

whats that site we were on last week? ..i mean yesterday  --  ashley

im the hip hoppest happenin thing since sliced bread, baby  --  alanna

its all quiet and laura says shes not gay. thats a symptom of gay  --  ashley

::alanna shuts off phil colins:: now im gonna listen to some normal music... not that THAT WASN'T NORMAL  --  alanna

new victoria sounds like a cough drop  --  alanna

wanna join my club of hating everyone but myself?  --  alanna

slash me laughs, slash me cries. slash me jumps in a river and dies  --  alanna

captin gale: ..and tomorrow, will be the last day for bingo cleanup
::everyone "awww"s::
michelle: can i get a HALLALUIA!

captin burke: its hard to fly like an eagle when you're surrounded by turkeys

the kernal is starin at me with this 'im gonna molest you' look on his face.. he's like.. 'you look finger lickin good'.  --  alanna

laura its a cup, they're gonna think i have fantasies about kernal sanders  --  alanna

::singing:: jesus can't play rugby cause his dad will rig the games.. jesus can't play rugby cause he's nailed to a cross.. jesus can't play rugby cause he only has 12 friends.. jesus can't play rugby cause hes a fuckin' jew.. lalala  --  amanda lake

::standing in the middle of the parade square screaming at me while i walk away:: SYPHILLISSSSSSSS it all started with a SIMPLE KISSSSSS now it hurts to TAKE A PISSSSS... oh IIII believe in syphilllllissssssssssss  --  amanda lake

me: holy fuck, nothing is going right for me today!
jess: why?
me: first i cant get into cadets, and now i cant sign into tod to fucking complain about it!

i was goin to pick my wedgie, and i laughed, and snots came outta my nose  --  ashley

laura dont put that on your site!!!!!! nooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ill molest ya!  --  ashley

me: ya right amanda, i saw your fruit of the loom type granny panties
amanada l: well maybe its because im on my period! and i dont want to ruin my good underwear! you dont believe me laura? do you want to check? because im pretty sure im bleeding from my crotch
me: oh my GOD
amanda: if you put this on your site eh--
me: i am!
amanda: dont laura! i'll bleed on your face!

malissa: what did cinderella do when she got to the ball?
me: ..danced with the prince?
malissa: she choked!!

::alanna answers the phone:: hennessy here  --  alanna

yeah.. yeah i think i have it on an indian porn channel  --  alanna

tweeking means to tweek around.. as to twindle  --  alanna

me: my idea of a perfect night with my loved one.. would be holding hands and going on a walk at night to look at Christmas decorations
amanda lake: my idea of a perfect night is doing it in the backseat of a car. thats fucking romance like you wouldn't believe

(17:27) *** MaNdA`ChRiS is now known as amanda[masturbating]

(18:03) <MaNdA`ChRiS> ive always admired lesbian sex

(17:16) <LauraMacDonald> bahhhhh
(17:17) <Willena_Jardine_16> ....moo?
(17:17) <LauraMacDonald> no
(17:17) <Willena_Jardine_16> oink?
(17:17) <LauraMacDonald> pigs are stinky
(17:17) <Willena_Jardine_16> cluck?
(17:18) <LauraMacDonald> BUK BUK
(17:18) <Willena_Jardine_16> chickens are stinky
(17:18) <LauraMacDonald> 'hello.. buk buk buk.. my name is kentucky fried.. buk buk buk'
(17:18) <LauraMacDonald> they were plotting my demise, i tell you
(17:18) <Willena_Jardine_16> right...
(17:18) <LauraMacDonald> they were planning it. they were going to all gang up on me and peck my little eyes out with their razor sharp beaks
(17:19) <LauraMacDonald> but i FOILED their plans
(17:19) <LauraMacDonald> muahahhaha

(22:09) <DanielleStephenson> FIsh FLY south for the winter

(22:09) <DanielleStephenson> I AM GOINT TO SHIT THE PANTS OF ANOTHER

im roarin just thinkin about you roarin  -- ashley mills

(18:45) <LauraMacDonald> yeah i love you too jules
(18:45) <LauraMacDonald> ill miss you
(18:45) * LauraMacDonald sobs
(18:45) <JulesCormier> u too laura....
(18:45) * JulesCormier holds back the tears

(00:05) <AshleyMills> LICK HER AAAAAAAAAANUS
(00:05) <AshleyMills> let us never ever speak of this again.

so ya last night i took a temper tantrom and started breaking things so i hadda go color wit my 3 years old nephew for 2 hours to calm down.... oh and the project i was working on and then ripped in to shreads was about stressss.. how ironic  --  alanna

me: im adic... i'm addicted to you
alanna: i'm a cock.. i'm a cocksucker too

without you i'm not right says:
trtactor OH MY GOD LA TNIGHt
without you i'm not right says:
without you i'm not right says:
without you i'm not right says:
without you i'm not right says:
i slammed on my brakes and watched it chug by

hi. my names ashley. im a big dykey slut that gets more penis then a prostitute. i also have a fetish for tractors. YaY!  --  mills

me megan & cory were drivin around before, and i was tellin nigger jokes, and we were all rooooarin, and the windows were open, and there was a fuckin nigger walkin down the road, and he tried to walk across the road, and i almost took him out...and megan was like holy fuck ashley its bad enough you're tellin nigger jokes...but now you're hittin them... Then i was like WHATS THE DIFFERENCE BETWEEN A DEAD DOG AND A DEAD NIGGER ON THE ROAD?! THERES TIRE MARKS IN FRONT OF THE DOG!,, we roared for like an hour... ssssssssssso funny. i almost took the nigger out.  --  mills. who else

my groins hurt.. too much sex can kill a person. the male repoductive organ is like a lethal wepon if yer not carfull ya can stab someone to death with it -- ashley

* LauraMacDonald dances and sings about men who dont last long during sex
<mAnDaCampBeLL> im never havin sex
<LauraMacDonald> sure yer not manda
<mAnDaCampBeLL> im not
<mAnDaCampBeLL> i dont want aids
<LauraMacDonald> i just dont want a kid
<LauraMacDonald> or an std
<LauraMacDonald> go to yer family doctor and be like 'i have burning when i urinate. and there are also weird, itchy bumps around my genitail area
<mAnDaCampBeLL> uMM i have genital herpes what should i do
<LauraMacDonald> lay off the cock
*** Joins: bigmatty
<LauraMacDonald> speaking of genitial herpes BIG MATTYYYY
<LauraMacDonald> the sex pot himself

mills: loser
me: suck my clit
mills: suck mine first and then we'll talk

oh! i just almost had a grater off the head  --  alanna

purrr i will get him. ill make cookies for him someday and put date rape drugs in them.. and then offer him a drive home.. AHAHHAA GENIUS.. i'm such a genius.  --  mills

me: what are you doing?
amanda dorey: im just a little black girl, holdin the door

im in a prediciment of a little dilly of a pickle  --  alanna

Ashley says:
theres an acoustic version?
Ashley says:
its bothering me laura?
Ashley says:

my snatch is itchy  --  mills

so kiss my white naked ass  --  alanna

bling bling aint it great to be snazzy  --  alanna

(22:55) <JulesCormier> lol i love u laura
(22:55) * JulesCormier sobs a bit
(22:55) <JulesCormier> that was a great moment

(23:10) <LauraMacDonald> whos bi?
(23:10) <JulesCormier> my cat
(23:10) <JulesCormier> poor cleo
(23:10) <JulesCormier> lil thing doenst understand

(23:11) <JeNnA||rUeLLaNd> i'm just wondering and no one will give me a straight answer
(23:11) <JulesCormier> lol straight answer
(23:11) <JulesCormier> good pun
(23:11) <JulesCormier> everyone givin ya gay ones?

cum master ashley says:
i love when people cum all ove4r my face
cum master ashley says:
mmmm cum
cum master ashley says:
please cum all over me

alanna: it smells funny down here
me: ...down where?

avril lavigne has proved to us all, that the power of makeup is stronger than the ugliness of her face  --  randy

they treat us so called normal students like shit then these fuckin exchange students come and bring there diseases and poverty and they get treated like fuckin kings n queens. next year im gonna tape my eye lids down put on some fucked up clothes with words on them such as "aribiba" and talk in some foriegn accent and say im from asia just to get some fuckin respect... i might even put one of them little bin laden hats on too............them foreign ppl come and get there education here and become fuckin doctors and lawyers and we end up on welfare eat mr noodles and fuckin tv dinners the rest of our lives.. and then when they become doctors ya go to them and their either on vactions or they sexually molest ya.. its true and very sad. -- alanna

(14:16) <JulesCormier> yes jeffrey and my cat has wings
(14:16) <JulesCormier> oo look there she goes flyin aroudn now

yo homie, whats up, my brotha from the same motha  --  alanna

my makeup is burning my eyes  --  amanda lake

me: ah ha you're the indian this time
alanna: i'm always the indian laura. im always the indian, never the chief

(12:47) <LauraMacOut> they're john leloups ponys
(12:47) <mAnDaCaMpBeLL> maybe ill take a ride on ol johnie boy

(13:13) <JulesCormier> eh der now stop dat der mooin fer christ sakes

ahh! vagina freeze!  --  malissa jardine

(18:38) <JulesCormier> ne bank machines aroudn that dont only give out 20's?
(18:38) <LauraMacDonald> no idea
(18:38) <JulesCormier> fuck
(18:38) <JulesCormier> i dont want to take out a 20 cause then ill spend it all
(18:38) <LauraMacDonald> go to lawtons and get somethin that costs like 50 cents then ask for however much cashback
(18:39) <JulesCormier> ahh yer a thinker
(18:39) <JulesCormier> i might jsut do that
(18:39) <JulesCormier> or i could just fuckin go somewheres and use the card
(18:39) <JulesCormier> god im slow
(18:40) <JulesCormier> i cant beleive im that slow

me: what are you doing?
alanna: eating advils and watching friends

im gonna miss the tar ponds  --  willena, the day before she left for 6 weeks
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