This is Andrew. Andrew is fucking. hilarous. He can't not be funny. He's especially funny when he's drunk. "Your father.. has a big head.. I'm sorry.. he does" lmao. Ahahaha oh I can't wait till next time.. ahhahah. OH! T&M eh Andrew.. they will be ours. Muahahahahahahaha ::cough:: ...ha?
This is Angela.. she's um.. ::cough:: she's Angela. She looks rather hopeless in this picture, does she not? She does, but thats not the fucking point here is it? No. The point is, that Angela is a mental case. I'm sorry Ang, but it's oh so true. But in a good way. Angela likes to pose on dirty BEC toilet seats, in shopping carts and other crazy stuff like that. She's very creative and has a rad basement. But um, yeah.
Oh dear God. Where do I even start? Ok here goes Alanna Hennessy was born on.. a day.. in a year.. sometime in the eighties, and during her childhood, she was dropped on her head numerous times.. the name of the dropper with be with held until a later date. No that's not good enough. I just can't think of a story good enough to cover up Alannas.. insanity. Not to mention her little "outbursts". Alanna and I like to talk about crazy things, and we like to spy on/take pictures of Cookie Rice AKA The Cookster. We will get a picture with her.. one day.. ::sniff:: one day..
This, my dear friends, is Amanda Lake. Amanda goes to Holy Angels, and we hang out at Cadets cause we're super cool. She plays rugby, and bass. She's extreamly funny. Someone to joke around with. Buaha. She loves 80's cartoons, and rainbow is her favorite color. She's rather obsessed with John Lennon, and she wants to abuse Paul McCartneys wife with her prostetic leg. I, personally, think she needs help. But that's ok.. we all need a little help sometimes. Yeah, we like to talk about guys and their penises. But thats another story.
This is Ashley DeGiobbi. She likes the anal. She hates carrots, eh Ash. lmao. Ashley is insane. She sometimes (sometimes meaning all the time) has outbursts and she likes to sing the Plastic Jesus song for us when we're on the phone. Ashleys all about the cock, and she likes boys. But, who doesn't?
Ashley Mills is a.. special child. She likes to keep me up till all hours of the night telling me nigger jokes and sending me pictures of fat people in wheel chairs. ahahahahha "you look tastey" ahahahahaha. Sorry, got a little off topic there. I tend to do that.. oh here I go again. So yeah, Ashley has 50 boyfriends, and she tends to become obsessive over a guy until she has her way with them. Then she moves on. Hah sorry Ashley it had to be said. So yeah, me and Ashley like to talk about people and laugh at their misfortunes, because we're all mean and stuff. Ashley likes to make fun of me and call me gay and put stuff up on her website advertising my body. Hah. Me and Ashley like the song She Thinks My Tractors Sexy because we're super cool and we have the video on our computers.
Bertha is insane. She likes to dance around and make crazy things up. We like to drive around places and she likes to break fishing rods. Eh Bertha ahaha. We also like to wash our hands in dirty gas station bathrooms because we're just so cool. We like the song I Touch Myself and sing it all the time. Sometimes I wonder Bertha..
This is Brent and he's sexy. I'm not sure about Brent though, sometimes he's a little scary. But he's cool to talk to because he's really open and all that good stuff. We hang out at cadets and he gets filmed while pretending to be drunk and paralized on someones lawn. Go Brent.
This is Daniel and he's way cool. We've been going out for like two months. He's awsome to hang out with and talk to. We like to go for walks in the rain against Andrews wishes because he thinks that we're going to hollar and the neighbours will call the cops.. Daniels super nice and really sweet. I'm unaware that I sit on wet benches.. ahahhahha eh.
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