Dancer and Cheyenne


Dancer is my very faithful cat. She is six years old and will turn seven in April. She is an American Shorthair domestic. She is black with a white patch on her stomach. She was born with the end of one of her back paws not fully developed. She has most of her foot, just not the claws and the padding.


Cheyenne is just under a year old. She is my mother's cat. She is a brown and white tabby Maine Coon. Cheyenne is a typical Maine Coon, she is not a lap cat. She always is near by were she can see you.

Both of Them

The two of them have slowly started liking each other. They first didn't want anything to do with each other. Now they play and chase each other through the house. At least we hope they are playing. They are sharing my white tiger pillow, instead of Dancer being the only one to sleep on it.

Christmas Time

This was Cheyenne's first Christmas. Not bad for the first one. She really didn't get into the tree that much. She had two or three ornaments that she liked to bat at, but didn't knock them off. Dancer just likes to lay under the tree, even if that means moving some of the presents out of the way.

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