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to the Angela Lindvall beauty secret page and learn a bit about aromatherapy, holistic therapy, and Angela's beauty secrets.

Who is Angela?

Holistic therapy is a means of treating the body sytem as a whole entity, and assisting the body to do what it does best, maintain and achieve homeostasis.  We can assist by watching what we put into our bodies and what we put on our bodies.  This also goes for what we put into our thoughts and environment.  Taking time to destress, think positive thoughts, and release negative patterns in our life is a good first step.  Watching our food labels carefully is our second.step in this process.  Last but not least, is the products we use on our bodies.  Finding products that help us purify and cleanse our systems is not easy.  Careful selection to enhance and not clog our lymphatic systems is a real challenge.  Knowlege of the system helps.


Face /Eye Cream

Face and eye cream seems to be a must. Avoid petroleum products, alcohols, and chemicals.  Many contain mineral oil (a petroleum product).  It sets up a slick, which clogs the lymphatics, then an alcohol of some sort is used to cut the slick.  If you cannot use it around eyes, do you really want to put it on your face?  Look at the increase in skin cancers...and look at all the chemicals put into our personal care products.  If the lymphatics are clogged, they cannot do their job to remove trash from the skin and body.

Body Cream

The skin is the largest organ of the body.  Nourish it, and protect it... do not clog it.  You should be able to put your cream safely on face or eye area.  Usually the oils are not as light, hence it is
body cream.  We do not want chemicals on our skin, it clogs and contaminates the body
in a big way.

Toner & Lip Balm

Toners are very nice for removing residue, sealing the pores, hydrating, and gently refreshing the face. No chemicals needed.
Pure water and an essential oil or herb is a very nice combination.
Lip balm should nourish and protect, be alot heavier than body cream, but watch the ingredients.  Lips are so... close to mouth.

Fizzing Bath Salts

Hydrotherapy, soaking in a hot bath (at least 20 minutes) is one of best ways to detox and destress.  Mineral salts will actually pull the toxins out through the pores of the skin.  Essential oils have both physical, mental, and emotional therapies associated with them, so one can clearly see the benefit.  Fizzing gently bubbles the skin and mixes the bath, and is a luxury to enhance the experience.

Aromatherapy is the use of essential oils to achieve therapeutic effects.  Essential oils are the pure essences derived from many botanicals.  They are very concentrated and very potent.  The trick is that they start losing potency 90 days after they are added to a product, so true aromatherapy must take freshness of the product into account.  They do have a scent, which dissapates rather quickly, but their purpose is therapy, not to scent a product necessarily.  A product manufactured and warehoused does not have much therapeutic value.  The concept and scent is very nice, but is not aromatherapy.

I hope this information has proved helpful, and to see more on body care products click on button.

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