Imago International


Wardrobe Planning and Pruning


If you were invited to something special this week, what would your first thought be?


“Oh wonderful, I’ll enjoy that!”  or


“Oh lovely, but what am I going to wear!?”


How many outfits do you have in your closet now? Or perhaps more importantly, how many do you actually wear?


Research tells us that we wear only 20% of our wardrobe 80% of the time, wearing out our favourite items and taking up valuable storage space with the rest. Buying clothes should be a pleasure, but why do we so often get it wrong?


For many women, shopping for new outfits is a nightmare. Many women lack confidence in knowing the right colours and styles to choose from a huge selection of items in a department store. Open any women’s wardrobe and you are faced with copious amounts of garments in different styles, colours, shapes and sizes, many of which have not been worn for at least a year and will probably never be worn again. They are all expensive mistakes.


 “I have a wardrobe full of clothes, yet never have anything to wear!”


If that sounds familiar, there is hope.


It is possible to spend half the money, own half the clothes and have twice as much to wear.

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