This page contains an ecletic mix of links for my science and art students.  If you are one of my students and landed here, I congratulate you.  You should do fine in the course you are at least had the interest to come to this page.  Use these links for tutors, to help you understand text assignments, or to help you with your research assignment.  Check back from time to time, as the list will grow.
Some good general guidelines on writing papers are listed below:
MLA Style
A Guide for Writing Research Papers
Columbia College Basic Writing Guide

Other general aids:
One Look Dictionary

Some very interesting sites: 
Discovery Online
National Geographic
Scientific American
PBS Online
Here are the specific links for various areas:
Chemistry students::
Corrwin Text Online Guide
A Brief History of Chemistry
Web Elements
Pictorial Periodic Table
Alchemy Virtual Library 
Tinity Atomic Web Site
Physical Science Students:Odds and ends you might find interesting and helpful:
USGS Dynamic Earth
The Weather Channel
Discovery Online
Deep Sky Astronomy
more science links

Intro to Art Students: The artchive is a good place to get pictures of your artists work.  The Artlex has a pronounciation guide, whch is very useful for this course.
Mark Hardens Artchive
ARTLEX, a visual arts dictionary
The Perseus Project
Christian Catacombs of Rome
Leonardo da Vince
The Louvre
The Web Museum
Art Museum..Net
Diego Rivera Museum
Smithsonian Institute

more art links

For Drawing Students:
Dick Blick
SAX Art Supply
Texas Art Supply
Wet Canvas
Drawing & Sketching Links
Ed Roebuck
MC Escher

"Wind from the Sea", by Andrew Wyeth
(from Mark Hardin's Artchive
To Communion with the Soul: Sculpture by Laura Brand
Back to Homepage Contents
"Christina's World",
by Andrew Wyeth
more general links...
"Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm."  Ralph Waldo Emerson
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