Literacy Through Photography
Wendy Ewald, a teacher/photographer, created a photography-based program called Literacy Through Photography (LTP).  The program focuses on how children see the world by providing them with a medium for self-expression both visually and through writing.

I first became interested in this program while I was a freshman at Elizabethtown College.  I continued to research and plan classroom-based activities using photography as one of the main tools.  My senior year of college at Shippensburg University, I was given the opportunity to complete an action-research project during my student teaching.  I jumped at this opportunity to implement LTP in the classroom and research its effects.  I then compiled my information into a paper which will be published in a journal sometime this month.

In March of 2005, I was fortunate enough to attend a workshop at Duke University.  The workshop was conducted by two of the people who helped to begin and first implement this program in the classrooms of inner-city Durham, NC.  It was an amazing workshop where I was able to gain a better understanding of LTP and how to incorporate it into my curriculum.

I implemented this program in a fifth-grade classroom in Gettysburg, over a 12-week period.  The positive effects it had on my students was unbelievable.  I have listed only a
FEW of these effects below:

- vocabulary retention and test scores increased
- increased student interest in writing
- gave students a sense of responsibility
- improved students' abilities to work cooperatively in groups
- a more-open relationship between students and teachers
- and (my favorite) many students became higher critical thinkers and learned how to think for themselves!

I am anxious to see the positive results and enjoyable projects which can be completed at a first grade level.  I am confident that reaching out to students with these tools at a younger age will be even more beneficial.  We will see how it goes!
For more information on
Literacy Through Photography:
LTP program at Duke University
Smithsonian Institution Exhibit
For a copy of Miss Bosak's research paper on LTP, email her a request.
Right: Student takes a picture during a LTP assignment
Above: Students take pictures for a creative writing assignment.
Below: Students take pictures for vocabulary flashcards in social studies.
Right: One of the many projects completed by fifth grade students for LTP.  This was a research project on important people in history, where students actually "became" the historical figure.
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