Dr. Laura Zattra
[email protected] - [email protected]
Università di Padova - Dipartimento di Storia delle Arti Visive e della Musica

Palazzo Liviano - Piazza Capitaniato, 7 35139 PADOVA


Born in Malo (VI), 03.11.1973
Mail Address Largo Trieste, 3 - 36034 MALO (VI) - Italy

tel. (mob.) +39.333.11.87.095


Home Publications Conferences, seminars Short bio Miscellaneous useful



Research Topics

XX century music, analysis of electroacoustic music, philology of music, history of electroacoustic music, music archives and preservation of the electroacoustic music, women composers..

Current Activity

Research Grant (XII.2008-XI.2010) at the Dep. of Visual Arts and Music, Padova University

Cultore della materia (Italian academic position: external teacher as an expert on the subject: Musicology) at Padua University

Member EMS - Electroacoustic Music Studies Network

Member Scientific Committee AIMI - Associazione di Informatica Musicale Italiana

Research Collaborator: Sound and Music Computing Group (CSC - Centro di Sonologia Computazionale) - Università di Padova

Chercheur associé étranger: MINT (Musicologia, Informatique et Nouvelles Technologies) - OMF (Observatoire Musical Français) (Sorbonne-ParisIV)

Collaboration with EARS - Electroacoustic resource site (Italian sources for the study of electroacoustic music)

2001-today: Teresa Rampazzi's archive at the Dep. of Visual Arts and Music, Padova University (catalogue) and Teresa Rampazzi website

Academic and educational qualification

Research Grant (XII.2006-XI.2008) at the Dep. of Visual Arts and Music, Padova University.

Maître de conférences - obtained qualification: Febr 8th 2007

Post-doctoral studies (2004-2006) at Padua University (Dep. of Visual Arts and Music) (supervisor: Prof. Sergio Durante)

Cultore della Materia at the University of Padua (2005-)

Ph.D in Musical Sciences (2000-2003) - XVI ciclo (Trento University) and Musique et Musicologie du XX siècle (Concepts et Langages, Sorbonne-Paris IV), 2000/2003 -Supervisors: Prof. Rossana Dalmonte - Prof. Marc Battier - Ph.D thesis: "Science et technologie comme sources d'inspiration au CSC de Padoue et à l'IRCAM de Paris" (text in French). Dissertation: 2003, November, 12 - Board of examiners: Prof. Rossana Dalmonte, Prof. Marc Battier, Prof. Gianni De Poli, Prof. Jean-Yves Bosseur

Degree certificate in Literature (March 2000, 'Laurea in Lettere e Filosofia') - specialization: musicology - at Padua University (Dep. of Visual Arts and Music) - Title: "Da Teresa Rampazzi al Centro di Sonologia Computazionale (C.S.C.). La stagione della musica elettronica a Padova". Supervisor: Prof. Sergio Durante

Flute degree (1994) at Music Conservatory of Vicenza (I)

School leaving certificate (1992) ('Maturità' awarded after five years of 'Liceo') - Liceo Linguistico "G.Zanella" - SCHIO (VI)

Projects, collaborations (institutions, foundations, centres)

2007-today: De Montfort University: EARS Project. Collaboration (Italian Thesaurus): http://www.mti.dmu.ac.uk/projects.htm

2008: Università di Padova. "Analisi, progettazione e sviluppo di metodologie innovative per lo studio e la diffusione di testi musicali" - Progetto interarea (Nicola Orio).

2007: Università di Padova: NUOVI LIMITI DELLA FILOLOGIA MUSICALE. Progetto per nuova ricerca, finanziato con fondi di ateneo ex 60%, anno 2007. Altri componenti il gruppo di ricerca: ZATTRA Laura, BIZZARINI Marco, DOSSENA Pietro, FANO Vitale, GRASSO CAPRIOLI Leonella, ZIOSI Roberta.

2006-2007: Project: "La Giornata dell'Ascolto" - one day musical itinerary based on the theme of 'Listening and Space' - Padua, 27 May 2007. Various institutions, groups, composers, musicians involved. http://padovacultura.padovanet.it/homepage-6.0/2007/04/giornata_dellascolto.html

2006: Organizing Commitee: International Conference "Presenza storica di Luigi Nono - Historical presence of Luigi Nono" - 1, 2 December 2006, University of Padua - Dep. of Visual Arts and Music (in collaboration with Archivio Luigi Nono, Venezia)

2003-2006: Member of the administration staff of the AIMI, the Italian Association of Musical Informatics

2006-2007: Collaboration between University of Padua - Laboratorio Mirage (Gorizia) and Die Schachtel, for the publications of music by Teresa Rampazzi, Italian pioneer of electroacoustic music

2006: Collaboration for the editing of the gatm review (Gruppo di Analisi e Teoria Musicale): special issue dedicated to live eletronic music

2005: Project: "La coscienza del testo musicale fra teoria e composizione in età moderna" - Anno 2005 - prot. 60A12-4291/05 (Ricerca Scientifica Fondi quota ex 60%) Responsabile: Durante Sergio Componenti del gruppo di ricerca: Bizzarini Marco, Zattra Laura, Grasso Caprioli Leonella, Ziosi Roberta.

2004-06: Collaboration for the editing of the didactic material for the course "Fondamenti della comunicazione musicale" (Sergio Durante ed.), Padua University, Dep. of Music.

2003-04: Collaboration for the project PRIN ARCHIVI VENETI DI MUSICA CONTEMPORANEA -- ARCHIVES OF CONTEMPORARY MUSIC IN THE VENETO REGION Local responsible (Prof. Elisa Grossato) Progetto di ricerca di interesse nazionale, finanziato con fondi MIUR ex 40%, bando 2002. Durata biennale. Responsabile nazionale: DALMONTE Maria Rossana. Titolo del progetto nazionale: Archivi italiani di musica contemporanea. Altri componenti dell'unità operativa: ZANOVELLO Giovanni, ANTOLINI Massimo, BISSOLI Francesco, ZATTRA Laura. Realization of an archive of musical production by venetian contemporary-music composero, data-base creation, website creation: http://musarch.lett.unitn.it

2004: Collaboration for the "Liv&Fashion. L'altra veste del Liviano" event, Padova, 3 July 2004, Atrio di Palazzo Liviano (musical coordination), Corso di Laurea in Cultura e Tecnologia della Moda.

2002-3: Country: Italy, City: Padova, Institution: CSC (Centro di Sonologia Computazionale dell'Università di Padova) - Activity: study of research, musical and scientific activity for the graduation thesis and later for the doctoral thesis. Tutors: Giovanni De Poli, Graziano Tisato, Alvise Vidolin and various researchers

1 novembre 2002 - 31 gennaio 2003 Country: Francia, City: Lyon, Institution: ENS-LSH (Ecole Normale Supérieure - Lettres et Sciences Humaines) Activity: MIRA fellowship (study of French and research for the doctoral thesis) Tutors: Marie Gautheron ("l'oeuvre d'art: de l'exercice du regard au travail de la description"), Yves Winkin ("histoire des sciences sociales"), Jean-Michel Roy ("Révolution cognitive"), Cécile Sabatier ("Français langue étrangère").

2002: Contract for the editing of the book "Vent'anni di musica elettronica all'università di Padova. Il centro di sonologia computazionale" (Sergio Durante and Laura Zattra eds.), Palermo, CIMS, Archivio Musiche del XX secolo, 2002 (Centro di Sonologia Computazionale dell'Università di Padova - CSC).

2001-03: Country: Francia, City: Paris - Institution: IRCAM (Institut de recherche et coordination Acoustique/Musique). Activity: study of research, musical and scientific activity for the doctoral thesis. Local guide: Prof. Marc Battier and various researchers

2000: GRAZ (A), 27 November - 1 December 2000. Seminar participation "Audio Signal Restauration. Theorie & Application", Prof. Robert Höldrich, IEM - Institut für Elektronische Musik und Akustik.

1998-99: Country: Italy, City: Padova Institution: CSC (Centro di Sonologia Computazionale dell'Università di Padova) Activity: study of research, musical and scientific activity for the graduation thesis and later for the doctoral thesis. Tutors: Giovanni De Poli, Graziano Tisato, Alvise Vidolin and various researchers

Teaching experience

2009: Laboratorio di Storia e tecniche della musica elettroacustica (University of Padua, Dep. Of Visual Arts and Music).

2008:: seminars within the course of Music Analysis and Philology of Music (Prof. Sergio Durante)

2007: two seminars within the course of Music Analysis (Prof. Sergio Durante): title: The Analysis of electroacoustic music.

2007: seminar: Fondamenti della Comunicazione Musicale (Prof. Leonella Grasso Caprioli), University of Padua, Dep. Of Visual Arts and Music.

April 2006 (10 hours): seminar within the course of Philology of Music (Prof. Sergio Durante), University of Padua, Dep. Of Visual Arts and Music.

2003-2004: Teaching contract for the seminar "Storia della Musica Orientata alla Composizione" (Triennio Superiore Sperimentale di I Livello - Musica e Nuove Tecnologie), Conservatory of music "G.Tartini" di Trieste.

October 2005 - June 2006: Flute teaching (high school 'Liceo', specializing in classical linguistic and musical studies, "Zanella" - Schio, Italy)

2000-2005: temporary teaching jobs: Italian, History and Geography in various secondary schools.

1994-2005: Flute, chamber music, music theory teaching (private schools)


My publications can be found here

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