On the way to Lapland
On the top of Kaunisp��
Robot Santa and me
A lovely view
A lovely view, Part II
I'm looking very angry at Santa Claus Office (
Our guide was making a fire with some strange equipment and I seem to be concentrating very hard on it :-D
A local reindeer guy. You can't see his left had but let me tell you, he grabbed my left boob while posing for the photo. Explaines my mom's face. Oh Paulus, I'm so glad you had SOME fun that night. :-D
Two third of the "saparo sisters"-team, Outi and me.
So after my brother's wedding that same day, me and my mom took the night train to Lapland and spend a wonderful week there hiking! I had never been there before so my mom lent her gear to me and that explains why my outfit was 4 sizes too big :-D But WHO cares... no one's going to see you there anyway, you're pretty much alone all day long. So no make-up, no nothing.

I saw so many things: reindeer, northern lights and even snow... And I surprised myself... I didn't know hiking would be so much fun! Even the 17kilometers long hike didn't feel tough at all. :)

I miss it all already. I simply MUST get back soon!
Me and my mom hiked something like 13 kilometers on the first day and this is one of the prettiest sights I have ever seen.
You can't see it in this photo but it was raining very VERY hard and the wind was unbelievably horrible. Imagine how it was to climb uphill for over an hour. Oh it was no picnic, I can tell you!
Taking a break (My mom, Esko and our guide)
Magical Forest
A river
Snow snow snow
Even more snow
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