So, you may have been wondering... and here it is!  This is what you should get me for Christmas this year.  Granted, you aren't tied to this list, but these are just a few things that I'd really like.
Money. It's always the right size.  It never goes bad.  And I'll never get tired of it.  Really, how could this possibly go wrong?  I've got enough stuff; what I need is cold, hard cash.  And c'mon... like a penny, a nickel, anything.  I'll take it.
When Harry Met Sally:  The Soundtrack. I used to take this from my mom and listen to it all the time.  It's really good.  I miss it.  If you can find a supacheap copy at McKay's or wherever, that'd be pretty sweet.  Don't spend like $8 or whatever, though... only if supacheap.
A Calendar. As always, I'm going to need a calendar for the coming year.  Something nice to look at, but not too cheesy.  I hate cheesy.
And that's it for now -- more updates as the day approaches!  If you happen to see Santa, give him the hint or maybe send him the link to this page.  And don't forget, this is also applicable for my birthday!  (as if there was ever any doubt)
I got everything on my list for 2004!  My family is awesome.  My mom even bought me yarn (to make a scarf for her, and it was really cool yarn and definitely worth it).  It's hard to think of things I really want anymore!  But don't worry, I'll hammer it out.
Yarn. I love yarn.  Sewiously.  I neeeeed lots of yarn.  See for some great examples.  Not that I need something that fancy; I'm working up to that.  But if it's over like 80 yards and under $20, it's a sweet deal.  Just so you know.
Millennium Seasons 2 and 3 on DVD. Season 3 hasn't been released yet (though it will be by Christmas), but season 2 has.  I bought myself the first one, but the second season is the BEST.  It's literally the greatest stuff ever to touch a television.  So at least season 2 would be phenomenal.  I want season 3 pretty much just to finish out the set; it's pretty okay, but it just pales in comparison to the rest of the series.
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