Angelic Prophecies on the Apocalypse


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When I was a little girl I believed that true love was as magical and wonderful as it was portrayed in the timeless fairy tales such as Cinderella. As I grew to be a teenager, I sought out this magical feeling in my relationships with boys. My expectations of love and the reality of what I experienced, however, were always sadly at odds.

When I was seventeen I started dating a boy, whom I shall call Steve. This relationship flourished and a couple of years later Steve and I were married. Things went along fine for a while, but I quickly became disillusioned. My dissatisfaction with the relationship stemmed from the fact that I found myself catering to Steve's needs, while my own needs went unfulfilled.

I eventually left Steve and spent many years on my own. During this time I did a great deal of soul searching and read many books on psychology. I was particularly touched by a book that I read by John Bradshaw entitled Bradshaw: On the Family, which describes how people get stereotyped into roles as children, that become� a part of their normal behavior patterns as adults. I was what Bradshaw calls the "caretaker" in my family. My mother was agoraphobic - suffered from a fear of large crowds and public places - and didn't like to go out of the house. As a result, I did the grocery shopping, picked up prescriptions from the drugstore, and did most of the family errands. I was also responsible for cleaning a very large house. In essence, I was the maid. I often laugh now as I relate to friends that I was the maid of Lorraine (my mother's name); however, unlike Joan of Arc who was also known as the maid of Lorraine, I did not appreciate my lot in life.

When I married, I took on the responsibility of looking after the finances, cleaning the house, and making meals, on top of working full time and going to night school. I also did my best to fulfill Steve's needs, while my desire to be in a relationship with someone that I loved and who carried his share of the load went unanswered. I felt like Steve's mother instead of his wife. Eventually, I became depressed and continued to spiral down until I knew that if I didn't get out of my marriage something inside of me was going to die. I now understand that the feelings I was experiencing were coming from my soul who was literally dying in the loveless environment that I found myself living in.

I consider my decision to leave Steve to be the first step that led to my illumination and fusion with my Higher Self because it allowed me to free myself from the role of caretaker that I had been unknowingly cast into. I've come to understand that the spiritual path entails letting go of the false, so that the real self - the soul - can shine forth. �

My life began to get interesting and enjoyable the day that the fires from heaven descended upon my soul, uplifting my consciousness, so that I could hear and perceive the Spirit of the living God. From the moment that God's light touched me my inner countenance was filled with a joy that still ripples through the emotional currents of my soul. I spent many days in the company of God and his angels, which allowed me to experience and absorb the energies of divine love. Despite the happiness that I was feeling, however, I still longed to share my life with a soulmate. I asked my Higher Self if I would ever get the chance to experience true love in this lifetime. She assured me that I would, but indicated that I needed to complete my metamorphosis first.

I continued to go through transformations until the spiritual chakra located above the top of my head - what spiritualists call the crown chakra - was functioning. The opening of the crown chakra allowed my Higher Self's energies to descend from heaven, which raised the vibration of my body. This initiated further transformations within my soul's body, which is documented in The Mystical Keys to the Book of Revelation.

At times, the spiritual light that would be coursing through my body was so intense that I couldn't stand the pain. One day, the vibrations were so strong that I laid down on the couch, opened my crown chakra, and deliberately let my soul out the top of my head. This alleviated the pressure I was feeling. I felt myself drifting down a corridor. Then ,all of the sudden, invisible hands grabbed me and returned me to my body. A warm soothing voice said, "Be careful with your baby. Don't worry. You'll be married soon."

Upon awakening, I remembered the event and realized that the spirit guide who had pulled me back into my body had referred to my newly formed spirit body as my baby. I was somewhat amused as I thought about the fact that what the angels thought of as a baby was now so large that I was having trouble keeping it grounded in my physical body. I was also elated by the news the guide had given me regarding my impending marriage. Shortly, thereafter, I met Mark, my soulmate, at work, and several months later we began our spiritual fusion that would unite us eternally through the bond of divine love that we both share. The transformations that we experienced are described in The Mystical Keys to the Book of Revelation.

The Divine Marriage which occurs when two soulmates are united by a bond of true love has been documented in the East. Mantak Chia, a spiritual master who comes from the ancient lineage of Taoist Masters, describes this union as� "the Congress of heaven and Earth" and indicates that it "involves the incarnation of a male and a female entity within the body of the adept. The two entities have sexual intercourse within the body, which involves the mixing of the Yin and Yang powers on and above the crown of the head, being totally open to receiving energy from above, and the regrowth of the pineal gland to its fullest use."

When Mark and I make love, our spirits exchange energy that travels along the pathways in our nervous systems, and throughout our organs of sensuality. This energy has strengthened both of us and has formed a protective layer that connects us: There is literally a part of Mark's soul and spirit that is with me at all times. Even when he is miles away I can feel his spiritual presence. We share everything including our thoughts and deepest desires.

Now that I have experienced the love that I had always dreamed I'd find one day, I realize that a part of me always knew what true love was. It was my soul that led me to get out of my marriage, and that prompted me to work on the wounds from my childhood that were preventing me from giving myself completely to another.

Loving someone involves trust and surrender. No one can experience true love if they are afraid of intimacy. All who wish to drink from the font of love must pay the price and work at freeing themselves from past traumas and fears. This allows the soul's love and light to shine forth, which acts like a beacon to one's soulmate.

Part of my problem stemmed from the fact that I had a chronic fear of losing people and animals that I loved. My parents both died at an early age, and I've lost several animals that I loved dearly. I remember my mother telling me after my dog had passed away that I shouldn't get any more pets because it was too hard on me when something happened to them. She was, in essence, telling me not to love.

Exposure to the love of the Divine Spirit helped heal my wounds. I now understand that true love can never be lost or destroyed. I know that if Mark's body perished that his soul and spirit would still remain with me until, I, too, passed over into the spiritual world. Our bond is immortal and indestructible, and I thank God for the gift of love that he has bestowed upon us.

It is the Father's intent that many souls should be united with their soulmates at this time of planetary transformation. Mark and I hope that our story will inspire others who are seeking true love, but have yet to comprehend that it is necessary for the soul to go through purification before fusion with another is possible.

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