This is how God has been teaching me...

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Let me begin...

A couple of years ago, my friend from Brazil came up here with her parents. Her parents are missionaries down there and they were here on furlow. So that I don't confuse you, my friend's name is Wendy. Anyway, she was here for a year, and we became even better friends. Then, she went back a year and a half ago. In February 2000, she suggested in an e-mail that I come down that summer to visit her. Thinking she meant the whole summer, I told her that it probably wasn't possible, since I had my job. So, the subject was dropped.

That Spring Break, a family from our church went down to visit with Wendy and her family. They had a great time and came back to tell the church about it. The wife of the family came to me and said that Wendy has been doing great things for God, but she gets discouraged at times. She also said that Wendy had mentioned my not being able to come down because of my job. She advised me that this was a great opportunity and to not let my job interfere.

So, that afternoon, I spoke to my parents about possibly going down. I couldn't travel alone, since it was a foreign country, and we didn't know who to ask to take me, since it wasn't exactly cheap. Then we remembered...Wendy's brother, Andy, was going down in May, after he graduated from college. We immediately asked him if I could join him, and he was esctatic that I was going for Wendy. Therefore, that problem was taken care of.

However, it wasn't the last problem. Next was the money issue with the plane ticket. Andy got me a cheap ticket, so that was the solution for that one. Then the passport. I filled it out and waited to go because of the next problem: The issue of when I was going. Andy was leaving after he was done with school, which was before I was done. He planned to leave around Memorial Day in May. I still had 9 days of school left after that. So, I had to see if I could get out of school early. I talked to my vice principal about it, and he said that I would be missing too many days of school. However, if I could get a waiver from the school board, I could still go. Remember that in the last week of school, I had finals.

My parents and I both wrote letters to the school board explaining what I would be doing and the advantages of going. The board meeting was for May 2, 2000. I was so confident that God was going to come through for me where He hadn't for other people who had tried the same thing that I was trying. After all, WHY WOULDN'T HE? I didn't see any reason why, so I figured it must be His will.

The night before the board meeting (May 1, 2000), I studied various verses on faith and God's faithfulness. I just KNEW that He could do it and would do it. I had FAITH.

The night came for the board to meet. My parents and I went and sat through other business that they had. I was really nervous. Finally, they talked about my request. There was a little discussion. First, it was in my favor, but then it went down hill from there. They decided that they wouldn't give me a waiver, and that I couldn't go. Well, I still could, but I would lose the credits I'd earned that semester, and I didn't want to do that. So, that was it. I WASN'T GOING.

My relationship with God went a little downhill from that point. I felt that He'd cheated me out of a great trip. One that He COULD have let me go on. I was extremely disappointed, and, since I felt it was His fault, I didn't "hang out" with Him much this past summer. However, one thing that I did was still get my passport, since I already had everything for it. It was a good thing that I did.

Anyway, God taught me a lot this summer, after I got over my disappointment. I really learned to trust Him, and though I'm far from perfect in that area, I have experience underneath my belt. story is NOT over yet. This is the best part! I had given my whole "Brazil" thing to God, and I was waitng for him to work, though I doubted I'd ever get there. At Andy's college graduation open house, which was a week before he left for Brazil himself (in May), he told me that I would go to Brazil. Very half-heartedly, I agreed. I really didn't think it was possible, but, for his sake, I went along with it.

And, so, here comes the part that still brings a smile to my face. This past fall, my youth pastor announced where we'd be taking our summer mission trip. And, guess where it was? Yep, good ol' BRAZIL!!

God did come through for me. It wasn't my time, but His own. Patience is the key. Now, I am going with a group of people that I know well. We'll still be down there for two weeks. And, I already have my passport, which has to be God working ahead of time. Another advantage of me going now and not last summer is that I didn't spend the money last time becuase if I had, I wouldn't have been able to go this time.

God works in wonderful, different (but great) ways. Let Him work in your life and change it to become more like Him. It's a process, but the sooner you start, the longer you have!

I am going to catch you all up on my Brazil trip. It is over and done, but I will always remember what we did. God really showed Himself faithful once again...I wonder why I continue to be so surprised...

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