and the "Misfit Mascots of Laundry Products"

Laundrycar at nite
"Misfit Mascots of Laundry Products"
     Laundrycar was created by the non artist Drew Bettge and Amy French to express there suggestion on how some folks can catch sight of things a little different than others, hence the creation of the "Misfit Mascots of Laundry Products".  The Misfits, conglaborated with the Laundrycar as a means of transportation, are a group of fictional characters that are dedicated, usually not in the friendliest of manners, to fighting stains anywhere and everywhere!  Why unfriendly?  Well there is an unfortunate story to there existence in public.  The "Misfit Mascots of Laundry Products" identities existed long before the brand name detergents we know today.  The "Big Dog" laundry detergent companies wrongfully scammed the misfits into signing there identities away in a 407LC contract.  Thus giving the detergent companies the right to use the Misfits identities for advertational purposes which they have been doing for years, except with an alteration of happiness and glee added to the true personalities of the Misfits.  The truth is the Misfits were screwed from the beginning.  They were informed by the detergent companies evil lawyers that the 407LC cotract they signed was an employment contract promising them work in the line of advertisement mascot slogans and commercial actors.  The Mascots main goal now is to "Gain" back there identities that were stolen by the lanudry detergent companies.  As time progresses the Mascots travel the streets invading each and every Laundromat until they find personal justice, and the laundry world knows of there message.

Laundry Punk


Laundry crap


Alternative Laundry
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