Responsible Organized Children Keeping Everything Together
What is a ROCKET Book?
A ROCKET Book is a 3-ring binder that will be our Home/School connection throughout the year.  Everything that has to come home from school, or to school from home will do so in your child's ROCKET Book.
What is in a ROCKET Book?
Money and Important Notes -- This pouch is for any money that comes to school.  Also, any excuse notes from the doctor or any absence notes should be put in this pouch.  Please remember -- any money that comes to school should be in an envelope or a plastic baggie.  Under no circumstances should there ever be loose money in your child's ROCKET Book!  You will also find a little block of sticky notes in this pouch.  Please leave them in there.  These are for you to flag notes to me in the Parent/Teacher Communication section of the ROCKET Book.

Homework -- This folder is where homework will be placed.  Homework is to be returned to school each day, and it should be in this folder.  No homework in the folder means no credit for doing homework!

Reading Log -- The Nightly Reading Log for the semester will be in this pocket.  The log should be filled out every night by an adult.  If the log is not returned to school, credit will not be given for the nightly homework.

Return to School -- Anything that comes from school that has to be turned back in to school will be found in this pocket.  Please check this pocket every night.

Keep at Home -- Anything that comes home in this pocket can be kept at home.  Please make every effort to check this pocket daily.  Friday is the day that we empty our mailboxes and send home the week's work, but some days there are other things that will be coming home.

Parent/Teacher Communication -- This is a section where you and I can communicate back and forth.  Please do not remove any notes that have been written between us.  This way we are both able to go back and check to see what we have communicated about.  If you have written a note to me, please use one of the sticky notes to put a flag out of the top of the ROCKET Book.  This way I know that there is a note waiting for me.  If I do not see a sticky I will not be checking this section.  Likewise, if I have written a note to you I will put a sticky note out of the top of the ROCKET Book for you to check.
Pictures of our ROCKET Books will be here once the school year begins.
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