Against All (1991) 朋黨(1991)

Title / Year

朋黨           Against All              1991


Nick Cheung (Ka Fai), Lam King Kong, Ng Suet Man, Danny Lee Sau-Yin

李修賢 | 張家輝 | 吳雪雯

Directed by

Andrew Lau Wai-Keung


Role Play

1st Assistant Director


Fai is a kind-hearted youngster and also the leader of his friends. Once they go to Thailand for car racing and Fai meets a girl named Suet. When Fai comes back to Hong Kong, he meets Suet again, and the two fall in love with each other. Suet is a new singer and is harassed by a gangster named Twelve when she sings in a lounge. Fai helps Suet escape from Twelve, and this makes Twelve take revenge on Fai. Fai's uncle Cheung is an upright policeman and tries to fight against Twelve, but unfortunately he falls into Twelve's trap and is seriously injured. Fai decides to avenge on Twelve...

嘉輝 自小酷愛賽車 , 遂與好友 K K , 豬魔 , ET 等友人一起合資車房 , 一次機緣巧合下 , 輝得到車房眾人支持前往泰國賽車 . 但輝任交通部示沙之叔父 - 張鐵柱一直反對輝賽車 . 輝不理 , 而輝最終落第孫山 , 眾人回港在Disco消遣時偶然結識Disco 歌女 - 亞雪 . 雪與輝兩人一見鍾情 , 因而得罪黑道中人 - 十二少並對兩人作出騷擾 . 雪原為十二旗下Disco之歌手 , 但因合約問題 , 轉投其他 Disco惹來騷擾 . 輝呈強為雪出頭 , 更惹十二之反感 , 並派手下搗亂其車房 . 眾人盛怒之下聯同地區惡霸 - 大儍 細儍 向十二少報復 . 豈料反被十二反誣告傷人 . 柱一直反對輝動武亦直斥輝的衝動 , 但柱心中亦為眾人被反告而不值 , 柱先聯同反黑組高級督察 - 汪志強 掃平十二之 Disco等娛樂場所 , 以及執行私刑威逼十二停手 . 當眾人以為可以舒一口氣時 , 十二竟設計報復 . 首先縱火燒毀柱家 , 再襲擊雪與輝 , 最後十二竟買凶殺柱 . 柱在巡邏時遇襲 , 當場殉職慘死 . 輝怒不可歇 , 決與K K , 豬魔一起向十二報復 , 而踏上不歸路 . 此時強收到消息及時阻止輝並將十二及其手下拘捕


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