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To Our dear Shepherd


Dear Shepherd be our guide and lead

Strengthen us with the courageous integrity we need;

Instil in us a wise and compassionate heart,

A willingness to do our part

To reach out to those who ache or in pain,

Who need the blessed Saviour’s loving kindness

To be made whole again.


Like sheep, if we are dumb and restless,

Lost, easily agitated, wandering, floundering,

Good Shepherd, guard with your staff, the undiscerning;

Let your rod defend against preying wolves,

Ferocious bears and lions that are threatening

To destroy your flock

For you, great Heavenly Shepherd, they cannot mock.


Dear Shepherd, thank you for your Living water

That refreshes and invigorates,

Guiding wisdom that fortifies;

Thank you for your generous compassion, that gives life meaning;

And your powerful Living Presence communicating

That we are your beloved children and you are caring;

You are our salvation and the beacon to eternity

Teaching us that it is only through loving and forgiving,

Can we reach our full humanity.


                        Shirley Lau

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