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The Wonder of Being


See through the eyes of a child

The wonder of being;

Everything is surprising

Seeing the bird hop on the grass,

Chasing birds, which take to flying.


Feel the delight of a child

Splashing through muddy pools of water,

Tugging at the strings of a wildly swerving kite

Blown by a strong wind.

Marvelling at the picture of a sparkling sea

And amused by watching little crabs

Pop into their tiny holes in the sand.


Be renewed and refreshed

In mind, heart and spirit

Through experiencing such open receptiveness;

Such sensitivity to Nature and other living creatures

That can again be ours if we re-gain

The spontaneous joy of a child.


Strip off the worldly sophistication

Be like a child in his simple appreciation,

Share his gratitude for just being alive

To the wonder and mystery of God’s creation;

Alive in a world, that fascinates and thrills him

A world of limitless possibilities, endless joy;

A world where he thinks it’s great just to be alive

And feels a tremendous joy in just being.


                           Shirley Lau


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