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Praise the Lord


Praise the Lord, our God

In the land of the living;

He, alone, has an understanding

Of the end from the beginning.


HE is the good Shepherd

Leading and guarding His herd;

Providing our feed

And the Living water we need;

As HE guides us along the narrow road,

Overcoming limitations

And temptations;

In our journey towards our heavenly abode.


Praise the Lord, our God,

Who builds His temple in our heart;

His Holy Spirit teaches us His truth

And prays for us, bringing us healing.

With greater faith and understanding.


Praise the Lord, our God,

For He alone, our worship deserving;

His unconditional love, ever uplifting,

His wisdom and strength always supporting

All who humbly seek HIM;

All who heed His command to love God and neighbour,

All who love and trust HIM.


Praise and thank the LORD for HIS kindness,

Let HIS light shine through us

Reflect it to others;

Let His love be manifest in us

Be an instrument of HIS love to others.


Shirley Lau

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