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Life without or with GOD


Life without GOD is

A mire of confusion

Between the material

And the spiritual;

A well of unpredictable discontent

In a world that is transient and mutable;

Where beauty fades, fortune is fickle

Cravings futile and life is mortal.


Life without GOD is one which idolises man

It’s a competitive self-centred world

Devoid of understanding or compassion;

For many, a source of unending comparison and frustration.

Life without GOD is one without true elation,

A cauldron of resentment, envy and jealousy

A pit of hopelessness, despair and utter misery.


But life with God is a celebration

Of all that GOD is---omnipotent, infinite, immortal;

An Almighty and compassionate GOD who offers

HIS loving kindness and forgiveness without condition,

Solace and comfort in tribulation;

Gifts of wisdom, courage and strength to help one another,

An exhortation to love HIM and our neighbour;

To learn meekness and humility,

Leading to peace, joy and harmony.


                      Shirley Lau

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