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Lessons from the Blessed Mother’s heart.


Holy, blessed Mother of our Saviour,

Teaching us lessons from Her Heart,

Her Sacred, Loving ,Devoted Heart

That nurtured Christ as a child

God incarnate, beloved by Him

Teach us, Holy Mother, how to love and worship Him.


Teach us obedience to God, the Father,

Humbly accepting His will for our life,

Let us, like you, declare, without hesitation:

Be it done to me according to thy word.


Teach us wisdom to trust in God

The willingness to receive from His loving hands

All that He deigns us to bear, believing in His Love

His Justice and Compassion.


Give us courage to endure all trials,

Believing God works towards the good of those who love Him,

Help us to build greater faith in Jesus, your beloved Son,

Knowing, like in the changing of water into wine, at Cana,

He heeds your request.


Teach us to pray, as you pray for us sinners,

Asking God to forgive our sins

And finding redemption through your beloved Son.


Holy, compassionate mother,

Teach us to love and care

To give selflessly, to serve loyally,

To cherish devotedly,

To live a life of gratitude and praise

The lessons from your heart.


              Shirley Lau  

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