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     In Silence


In the ever increasing creschendo of a noisy world

The sweet gentle voice of our LORD becomes muted;

Man seeks to immerse himself in distracting noise

To escape from the stress of urban  life

But not find real peace.


Only in the silence of the mind, heart and soul

God’s gentle voice can be heard

To those seeking HIM;

Soothing,counselling,prompting the weary soul

To take rest under HIS mighty wings

And be strengthened for the journey.


It is through quiet contemplation

That one finds inspiration,

It is through quiet meditation

That one finds satisfying communication;

With the ONLY ONE that really matters

The Holy GOD of the BIBLE.

Therefore, in sacred silence, listen to what GOD says

Listen to the Holy Spirit praying within you and for you

Only then can you join in the prayer of veneration

And gratitude to Almighty GOD.



In silence of the ear,shut out the ugly voice

Of slanderous gossip,of pettiness,

Of self-pity and abusive control;

In the silence of the mind, your thoughts become free

Free to appreciate the natural beauty of GOD’s creation

Free to recall and be grateful for all GOD’s kindnesses

Free to think of all that is good ,lovely and ennobling;

As we have closed the mind to all that is bad, ugly, and discouraging.


In the silence of the heart, feel with empathy the needs

Of the poor,the sick and dying,

Remember to reach out in loving kindness;

In silence, extend the same forgiveness to offenders

That we receive from the LORD for our trespasses.


                        Shirley Lau


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