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HIS LIGHT, like a towering beacon

Established on HIS ROCK,

Penetrates through the darkness of sinfulness;

Turning murky darkness into brilliant day

Salvation for all souls who come HIS WAY.


HIS LIGHT reveals the horror

Of the putrid mess of worldliness;

Of infected wounds of lust, pride, greed, envy, hate

Of filthy rags of gloating successes;

Only HIS LIGHT can cleanse

Only HIS COMPASSION can save.


HIS LIGHT is our beacon of HOPE

To be re-born again

To be renewed in spirit;

To be directed to the truth

To be set on the path to eternal life.


HIS LIGHT warns of the danger

Of continuing in sins of ingratitude,

Of being dashed headlong into perdition;

HIS LIGHT provides the GRACE

For healing,for transformation;

For reconciliation with JEHOVAH

Almighty GOD and JESUS, our REDEEMER KING.


Let HIS LIGHT lead us

To a gentler, meeker way of life

A life with inner love, joy and peace,

Only possible when we heed HIS LIGHT;

Accept GOD”S guidance through HIS HOLY SPIRIT

WHO dwells in our soul,

WHO will guide us towards

Revering and loving GOD,

And respecting and being kind

Towards our fellow-men.


           Shirley  Lau


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