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 Have you met this LOVING FRIEND?


Have you met a friend so good and true

HE will lay down HIS LIFE for you?

You may be sinful and imperfect,

Still your FRIEND, so perfect,

Will say:” I love you!”

You may sometimes cause HIM pain,

But as long as you repent and refrain;

HE will respond” I forgive you, Go in peace

Don’t do that again.”


You don’t need an appointment to see HIM

HE is only a thought, a prayer away;

“If you seek me with all your heart

You will find ME,” come what may.

All life through I’ve been searching


Who takes my breath away

With PROMISES so loving;

How can I ever resist a love so true:

“I will never forsake you

 I will never abandon you

 Nothing can separate you from MY LOVE”


In this self-centred, insecure world,

This promise of an everlasting LOVE,

From our powerful RESSURECTED Redeemer

Is much too rare and precious to lose;

Knowing that from HIS Loving character

That whatever HE promises, HE will deliver.



This LOVING FRIEND is within

Look inward into your soul;

Enter through fervent, centreing prayer

The inner holy sanctuary of your soul

To reverently seek HIS Almighty PRESENCE;

For the kingdom of GOD is within you.

Remember JESUS humbly offers: “I stand at the door, I knock;”

Will you let your LOVING FRIEND in?

Will you maintain a warm loving heart

To welcome and cherish your LOVING Saviour,

So HE can make HIS abode in you?


O JESUS CHRIST, so mighty and true,

Is there anything I can do without you?

Everything good in me renew,

I love to depend on you;

The JOY and strength of my life is YOU.


                         Shirley Lau


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