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Harden not our heart


Harden not our heart

Do not inflict on ourselves such grievous injury;

Like plaques that damage and clog our artery,

Plaques of the Spirit destroy our capacity to love GOD

Debilitates our will to serve HIM,

Embitters our relationship with our fellowmen,

Renders us completely vulnerable to evil temptations,

And distance us from every good and positive influence

That makes life truly meaningful and joyous.


Harden not our heart

Do not make it impervious to

The gentle stirrings of compassion,

The sweet murmurings of affection;

The warmth of loving kindness

The wonderful outpouring of joyousness;

All, all freely given by our Loving, Holy LORD

Which can only be received by a responsive

Lovingly sensitive and considerate heart.


Let not plaques of envy, hate, resentment,

Fear or anger torment;

Let not pride and self-centeredness isolate,

Let not lusts of the flesh desecrate;

Instead, let understanding and compassion flourish un-abate.


Do not congeal our heart but soften it with forgiveness,

Turn all our hurt and pain to the LORD,

Who has forgiven all our trespasses;

Repent, humble and soften our heart,

Then we will find Almighty GOD HIMSELF

Taking residence in our undeserving heart.


                          Shirley Lau


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