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Why do we think happiness is elusive

When we are not looking in the right direction?

Why do we pursue the tangible, the material

And then complain about our dissatisfaction?


Try to capture happiness in a song

Listen to the merry chirping of birds taking wing;

Gaze enraptured at the mellow bright hues of the sun

Slowly down the horizon, dipping.


Lye happily on the green grass, away from crowds

Watch the white clouds sailing by, like wisps of fleecy wool,

Reflected in the gentle rippling water of the lake

Fanned by a light breeze, ever so serene and cool;

Breathe in this wholesome joy, this happiness only GOD can make.


Bask in Nature’s joy, make it our own

Exult in its spontaneity, let all our problems flee;

Remember God made the universe for our pleasure

Therefore frolic like children on a spree.

Come on, seize the day, capture the joy,

Be truly happy, boy o’boy!


Happiness is within, not without

Fill ourselves with trust in God’s abundant grace;

Have an attitude of gratitude throughout.

Praise the Lord, we will always have a place

In HIS loving, compassionate heart;

We will attain His blessings

For happiness, if we truly do our part.


                   Shirley Lau  


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