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God’s Creative Splendour


There was an aura of wonder and enchantment

The splendour of the sunset to behold;

Across the sky, broad bands of turquoise, yellow, gold,

The most astounding sight of the Creator’s Imagination bold;

Blend with the cool, misty air and perfumed aroma

Of pale-bluish-purple lavender and peachy-pink roses,

trailing the hedge.


Magic was in the air. Its unique beauty wrought

Wonder and excitement: I gazed and gazed,

Did I hear the soft melody of a harp?

Or was it the sound of a light wind whistling

Through the tall trees?

Swaying ever so gently,

the myriad snow-white Arum lilies.


In a little distance, the blue Swan River meanders by

   Hastening towards the elegant glass and stainless

steel city-skyscrapers;

Jauntily, it teases its way with wide, sparkling-blue waters;

Setting a spectacular view from the wooded King’s Park of

The creative harmony of awesome nature and man’s achievements.


                                Shirley Lau    


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