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When there is suffering and pain,

Go to JESUS!

Then life becomes bearable again;


In the ministry of healing;

In HIS wisdom, HE has allowed trials to test us

For suffering leads to perseverance,

Perseverance leads to patient endurance;

GOD moulds character through the process of brokenness,

Enabling us to be spiritually ‘born again’;

A wondrous beginning, as HOPE surges in our heart within

Making our lives us fruitful for others;

A testimony to GOD’S Eternal Presence,

Working HIS will in our lives.



Only JESUS can satisfy our deepest yearning for joy

JESUS, being PERFECT LOVE, can cast out all fear,

GOD promises to be always near;

JESUS dwells within the inner sanctuary of our heart

Exhorting us to dwell in HIM too

ETERNAL LIFE starts now and here

It is the active presence of GOD in our lives.


Let us journey, therefore, through life with prudence;

Let us ask the indwelling Holy Spirit to guide us

And keep sinful abominations at bay,

Safeguard us from the pitfalls of temptation along the way;

Only JESUS can save our soul from peril

GO quickly to THE LORD, go to JESUS!


Do not allow any hardening of heart be an impediment

To gaining the crown of eternal life

Clearly see that earthly life is

But a drop of water in the ocean,

Eternity is endless, forever;

And finite, mortal man must ultimately meet his

Infinite, Immortal GOD, the RIGHTEOUS, HOLY GOD;

Death merely releases our spirit to go to JESUS!


                           Shirley Lau


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