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Come Apart with Me


In the midst of noise and the hectic bustle of life,

Wearied by incessant competition and strife;

Can we hear God’s soft, gentle invitation to come apart

With Him, and walk beside the still waters;

To listen to the soft murmuring stream

To lie quietly on grassy plain, meditate and dream.


Will we patiently hear Him tell His story

About a Heavenly Father, yearning for reconciliation

Through Jesus Christ’s mission of Redemption?

Are we grateful that His Beloved Son is the Holy Sacrifice

An atonement for our sins that will, only with God, suffice.

Do we realise that the Cross makes possible our Salvation?



Is there any greater love story for mankind?

Can we ever such a great love expect to find?

Will we accept His loving gift with our heart

Each having contributed to His sufferings in part?

Will we repent and be grateful for His Compassion

And together, share in the joy of His Resurrection?


Come apart with Me, He asks His sheep

Will we heed His call?

As we follow His Way, let’s pray for His Grace

Wisdom, courage and strength for each day

Hoping that on the day when Jesus summons all

We’ll make it to His final roll-call.


                   Shirley Lau  


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