Shinigami's Citadel              Shinigami's Dragon
"Ohayo, human.  Tread carefully, for beasts continually prowl these dim halls, seeking unwary prey...
Welcome to Shinigami's Dragon.  Come seek refuge from the storm in this castle.  You are lucky to have caught the Lord and Lady in a generous mood.  Our last guest... Well, never mind.  Follow me and I shall take you to a resting place."
You follow the dragon cautiously through the entrance hall, glancing about nervously as things dart amongst the shadows.  You jump as it speaks.
"Ore wa Zephyr.  My duty is to guard the castle and defend Lord Shinigami and his mistress.  Anou, here is your chamber."
   You take a quick look about the room.  A plain bed, with a small chest at the foot of it, is in the far corner by one of two shaded windows.  A dusty desk sits in front of the other window near a dark fireplace.  You walk to the blackened hearth.  "Is there any firewood?"
    Zephyr sits back on her haunches and reaches into a pouch the same color and texture as her black fur.  She removes a fist-sized glass orb from inside and tosses it into the fireplace.  Embers begin to glow and you look at her. "Is that it?"  The dragon humphs and the tiny flames abruptly burst into a roaring blaze.
   She snorts and walks to the door.  Zephyr turns and says,  "Do not speak to the faeries."  Before you can ask why, she is gone.

-This Site Is Under Construction... Constantly-
Last Updated: 6/15/02

    Sorry about the (outrageous) lack of updates. 
    New POM.  (Yes, that's LZ's artwork)
     Link page altered.
     Woohoo!  The school year's over and that means more updates... right?  Well, not necissarily.  Although we will continue to update on occasion, do not expect continuous updates because we are lazier than both of LS's  cats combined.  We're very sorry to those of you who are steady visitors.


-LadyZephyr and LadyShinigami
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Disclaimer:  Any artwork outside the private galleries does not belong to us.  Do not use the original images without the artist's permission.  All anime series' images have been compiled for your private use and enjoyment.  Any fanfic that has been submitted to us belongs to the author, do not use them without their permission.  E-mail us for their  e-dresses.

-LadyZeph & LadyShin
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